Ummm... ilounge seems to be a fairly major web portal for all things ipod, and you guys are barely represented on it. Aren't you missing out on a lot of possible sales?
A few years back the then 'ipodlounge' was where I first heard about MC 9.. At the time, people in the MC9 forum on ilounge (a.k.a. ipodlounge) were raving about MC and how superior it was to iTunes.
I was convinced, loaded MC9 and haven't looked back since.
... but I looked there recently and the forum is still labled Media Center 9 and contains a few measly posts!
http://forums.ilounge.com/forumdisplay.php?s=698986e77f056830ca0dd52eee17706c&forumid=20how come you don't work with iLounge and make sure it's up to date? I know the interact forum is the best place for MC discussions, but you guys have got to be missing out on sales leads.
disclaimer: No. I have nothing to do with iLounge aside from surfing the site every now and then to check out the latest accessory reviews. I get no commission and am not trying to drum up business... just want more people to be able to share in the joy that is MC11.1 (vs iTues.. yech!)