admittedly, mine is just a hack of the multiinfo template, customized to suit my needs. If you've got one you like, but is not exactly what you need, that may be the easiest/best way to go. since they're all freely available, I don't think the authors would mind.

All of the track info templates are in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\Visualizations\Track Info
For example, the standard Dreamstate template is here:
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\Visualizations\Track Info\Dreamstate
You just need to edit the index.html file in this folder. I like using topstyle or dreamweaver. You may also need to edit/create graphics files. (you may also notice the file generated.html, which is the output file displaying MC database info each time a new song begins.) will tell you the database fields and their keywords that you can use.[/list]
Besides the MC keywords, everything else is created using standard HTML/CSS.
TRACKINFO_INSERT_ARTIST will insert the Artist
- the following code would yield
Madonna - Holiday[/list]
<span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">TRACKINFO_INSERT_ARTIST - TRACKINFO_INSERT_TITLE</span>
TRACKINFO_INSERT_IMAGE will insert coverart
- the following will create a table with one cell whose content will be coverart sized at 290 x 290px.[/list]
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="TRACKINFO_INSERT_IMAGE" width="290" height="290"></td>
- The code in my previous post will insert a visualization at 290 x 290px.