Your problem tells me you are not using v11.1
If you are, you need to upgrade to the latest version.
edit: just noticed that you mentioned you have podcasts, so you
must be on 11.1
Do you have "media library" in that left pane?
The current release of 11.1 has no 'media library' branch, and it is not possible to delete the 'video' branch. ?
Assuming you're not using 11.1:
You have two options,
1. right click on 'media library' and choose "reset all viewschemes to default"
This does exactly what it says on the tin, so if you've created several custom viewschemes that you'd rather not lose, this is
not the option for you.
2. right click on 'media library' and choose 'add viewscheme'
In step 1, you choose which panes you would like to see. You can choose a preset from the drop down, or choose your own using the 'add' button.
In Step 2, untick 'autoname' and give it the name "Video" without quotes.
In step 3, choose the 'video' image from the dropdown, leave tree position as automatic and leave the three tick boxes at their defaults.
In step 4, enter the following text exactly: [media type]=video
then click the ok button.
You now have a video node on your tree. you can right click on that and add as many viewschemes as you see fit to view your video files.
need any more help, just holler