These directions were perfect for me with the first builds of 11.1 -- made things much easier than with previous versions of MC, in terms of setting things up with MC....
But with the newest build -- 11.1.89 -- I suddenly can no longer see what data is on my ipod. For instance, I tried transfering some files over, but I got a message saying that my iPod was full. So, okay, that's fine, I'll just delete a bunch of tracks, right? Except that when I went to Drives & Devices/Ipod I could not see any tracks. Not under Albums, Playlsits, Artist, or Genre...
If I go to "Show List" I can see what's in line to be downloaded from my hard drive to the ipod, but the tracks that are actually on the ipod aren't listed there either... so where do I find 'em if not in any of these places?
I tried choosing the "Initialize ipod" and "reubuild database" options and I tried rebooting a couple of times... but no luck. (Actually, since initializing the ipod erases all the files, I suppose I've kinda confused the issue there and will have to do further tests.... but after I first tried Initializing MC said that my ipod was still full.... but then after a reboot it did ackowledge that my ipod was empty and it did let me start uploading, although at that point the upload was kinda slow.) I'm going to have to reinstall iTunes to gain access to the files, from the look of it...
Any ideas why this build is doing this to me?
Admittedly, there are some more tests I need to run regarding all of this... I have a few different ipods here between my roommate and I, and we both use this PC... but I haven't had a chance to check this error with anything other than my Mini so far (which has the newest firmware and was working with previous MC builds) so I don't know if my error is specific to the one device. Also, I have done a clean install of MC for a few builds, so maybe there's a conflict there...
If this is the incorrect thread for this or if the topic is being discussed elsewhere already or I'm missing some direction please tell me...
Thank you.