Yeah, great forum and great software... I'm very happy after selling G4 Powermac to have found a worthy alternative to iTunes on the PC... quite an accolade to give as that app was simply superb. I tried all on the PC platform, I can understand why some want MJ for their iPod's as MMJB really is awful. Tiny little buttons - far too difficult to navigate your way around it at all. Anyway, onto my issues found and suggestions:
1. The scrollbars on either side of the playlist don't often activate if a track is selected in the main playlist. A few clicks on 'up' or 'down' arrows starts another track. Highly annoying. Sure this has been brought up hundreds of times, if so, sorry!
2. Often when editing an ID3 tag and going ok, the track restarts. oops.
3. Volume control on bottom left of mage-me locks up with my Yamaha SW1000XG soundcard. I removed the card and control slider works perfectly. Probably not a problem with the software at all here.
4. THE BIG ONE: Why if I choose to list all tracks by album title do I not get them listing in order according to the ID3 track number info? I have to do a specific search, then it works.
5. Love to see anti-aliasing on the smaller rounder skins. Why is this a problem on the PC? Panic do Audion, a great MP3 for the mac and all skin support is of top quality and totally slick on screen. Get some of the designers there to create skins for MJ, they are some of the best, IMHO.