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Author Topic: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??  (Read 2255 times)


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MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« on: August 21, 2002, 12:01:53 pm »

Has anyone used MJ with an Apple iPod with Xplay (Apple to Windows converter for IPod)?
Chris Anders.
Greenwich, CT

Ted Brassfield

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RE:MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2002, 05:22:38 am »


I've used both XPlay and Ephpod (though currently just use Ephpod).

What do you want to know?


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2002, 03:17:24 pm »

I had some power issues with the MAC iPod, luckily they had a Windows 20Gb iPod so I traded. Now I have other issues :-( Win iPod comes with MusicMatch7.1, while is it isnt bad, it isnt anything close to MJ, however their tagging suite is *very* nice (you can tag as many files as you want simultaneously, and its very accurate).

I tried to transfer some songs into the iPod, and it appears they transferred, but when I use the iPod to play, I cant see any of the files as if they are non existent..when you look at the memory allocation from the MJ, something is definately there, but it just isnt accessible from the iPod, but you can see the transferred files with MJ.

Is there a certain directory the files should b placed??? I have tried several, I just cant get the tracks to how. I was better off with the Mac iPod version :-(

Christopher Anders
Greenwich, CT
Chris Anders.
Greenwich, CT


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2002, 06:07:47 am »

I tried to transfer some songs into the iPod, and it appears they transferred, but when I use the iPod to play, I cant see any of the files as if they are non existent..when you look at the memory allocation from the MJ, something is definately there, but it just isnt accessible from the iPod, but you can see the transferred files with MJ.

Christopher Anders
Greenwich, CT

I had a similar problem using EphPod (I'm not even a small fan of MMJB).  The issue wasn't the application but the tagging, did you double-check to make sure that the files that are missing are tagged correctly as my understanding is that iPod uses tags exclusively.

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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2002, 11:09:51 am »

Hehe, every time an iPod thread gets bumped, I just GOTTA rebump it.  

How's that plugin going, guys?  I'm *ahem* totally available for testing purposes *cough*   ;D
 mjextman.exe /ipodsync


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2002, 11:46:33 am »

How's that plugin going, guys?  I'm *ahem* totally available for testing purposes *cough*   ;D

Kurt, thanks for pointing me over here from the iPodlounge, I love MJ8.

However a question for y'all.

Currently my MP3's are hosted on my WIn98SE desktop machine, I'm using Media Server to listen from my laptop which is wirelessly connected to my LAN.  As I'll be replacing my desktop in the next three months I bought the firewire card for the laptop to get music onto my iPod.

Just occurred to me that even with a plugin I won't be able to use MJ8 to move music to my iPod from my desktop machine thru my laptop as Media Server doesn't allow moving does it?

Hope I'm making some sense here, at least *I* know what I mean. ::)

Thanks again!

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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2002, 12:14:33 pm »

I'm not sure whether Steve has reported anything about the MJ work recently.  Here's what I know.

We have a Windows ipod now.  The 5GB version.  

With the drivers installed, but without installing MusicMatch or anything like XPlay or Ephpod, we can see the ipod drive.  That's a big relief and it should help speed things up.

Now we need to find the database file and crack it.  Hopefully it isn't encrypted.

I'm guessing we will either have something to test in 2 weeks or not at all.  In other words, if it can be done, we should have it reasonably soon.



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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2002, 02:25:04 pm »

I'm currently using a Mac iPod with my PC running Xplay. I got the mac one for a variety of reasons which I don't need to go into now. Plus, using XPlay makes it pretty seamless to go back and forth between the two platforms.

Media Jukebox sees the iPod in its CD, DVD & Handhelds section. However, moving files and playlists to it acts just like a typical hard drive transfer. This is not surprising as the iPods have a separate special directory for songs which it plays. The rest of the hard drive behaves simply as that, a hard drive. Obviously, XPlay and their Explorer interface utilizes that hidden directory. So, in the small amount of time that I've played around with it, I've used MJ8 to copy the songs that I want over to the iPod, open the iPod root directory, and copy said songs over to the XPlay/hidden ipod directory.

As I said, I've spent only a small amount of time playing around with all this. I would like to experiment more. I'm not sure if you MJ people are even interested in making MJ8/9 play with a Mac version of the iPod, but if you are, I'd be glad to report more of my findings here. As I think that MJ is leaps and bounds ahead of iTunes, I obviously use the PC for most of my mp3/music needs.

Anyway, that's enough rambling for now.


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2002, 02:33:24 pm »

I decided to start over, I took the 20Gb Win version back, and now have a mac 20Gb version. I still cant view the files on the IPpod when using MJ8, however, like the previous poster I am going to experiment and see what I can do. In the worst case scenario, Windows Media works ok, and is better/easier in my opinion than Music Match, however I extremely dislike the fact that in Windows Media, I only can transfer via "track name" instead of "Artist - Album - Trackname." Kinda makes you want to buy an apple just to make it all work smoothly :-(
Chris Anders.
Greenwich, CT


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2002, 02:42:39 pm »

if only MJ worked on a mac. THEN, it might become my "digital hub," in Applespeak.


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2002, 10:39:28 pm »

:D I downloaded Windows Media 9 beta tongiht, very nice. Although the media lookup feature doesnt seem to work, maybe because its beta?? other wise its very nice, and it works with MAC iPod just fine without any extra software or plug ins! I will be experimenting with it to find some flaws etc.
Chris Anders.
Greenwich, CT


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2002, 02:52:54 am »

other wise its very nice, and it works with MAC iPod just fine without any extra software or plug ins! I will be experimenting with it to find some flaws etc.

Chris when you say "works" you mean you can put files on there from your PC and play them from the actual iPod?  Or just that you can park files on the iPod without playing them from it?


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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2002, 05:54:22 am »

I'm not sure if you MJ people are even interested in making MJ8/9 play with a Mac version of the iPod, but if you are, I'd be glad to report more of my findings here.

We'd love to have the details.  If you could keep a good set of notes, we could post them in the FAQ.



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Re: MJ with Apple iPod for Windows??
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2002, 07:39:46 am »

It was late when I wrote that.

Yes, I have moved files to the Mac iPod and played them with Windows Media 9 (beta). WM9 is *much* better than previous versions. You can see the details here for WM9:

However, if you want to rip mp3's instead of WMA's (max bit rate of 192), you have to download an Enhanced Plug In from their site here:

It gets worse, its about $10. For the DVD Playback PLug in, its $15, or both for $20.  Between XP, Office XP and this latest marketing scheme from MS, Apple is starting to look attractive.

I should also point out that I have XPlay installed, this allows me to connect, Explore and disconnect the Mac iPod, I will de-install that to see if I can still transfer files without XPlay installed.

Chris Anders.
Greenwich, CT
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