Put standard pane viewing at the top, then add tiles in the middle, and the 'files at bottom' below.
I don't use panes anymore as they are hidden.
Why not simply make them the first level of filtering and then incorporate the existing tile library view below?
This would open up our MC libraries to a whole new level of browsing flexibility with many less clicks and a greater visual ability to choose songs!
The only problem with the old view, was that there was no way to view files from albums easily. Now with the fields at bottom and links (please add them all back!) for each tile, this view with panes would particularly benefit large libraries, which most MC users have.
If you don't want the panes, then simply click them up and they are gone and do not apply. If you don't like the tiles, simply switch the view to lists, details, or thumbnails. The new details view would be particularly usefull with panes on top and files at bottom!!!
Come on JRiver, lets have the best of both worlds.