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Author Topic: MCC_SENDTO_TOOL ? & some image management musing  (Read 1342 times)


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MCC_SENDTO_TOOL ? & some image management musing
« on: April 20, 2006, 04:45:39 am »

if, in explorer, I right click a .jpg and choose "Edit", the file opens up in photoshop.

if I make a shortcut that sends: MC11.exe /MCC 30008, 2 (which according to the dev file is "send to: default editor")

photoshop opens, but instead of opening the selected image(s), it wants to create a new file, using the same filename as the first selected image in MC.

Is there a quicker way to send one or more selected images to photoshop for editing than using the "right click > send to > external > photoshop" route?

if photoshop is already open, I suppose I could use drag 'n' drop, but I don't really want to have to worry about whether or not photoshop is running.

An MC 'watched' folder for images would be handy, as the first task in photoshop would be to "save as..."
some filename constants could be used, and then, viewschemes could be devised for playback that would only display the "final" version of any edited image, and others that would display all versions of an edited image. Make any sense?

These are just initial thinkings here. The watched folder is not essential, but would be nice.
A working MCC_SENDTO_TOOL button on the taskbar I think would be handy, and I think that's do-able atm, I just need some help getting there? or is there a quicker way?

I'm also pretty sure that creative use of constant filenames and/or paths, database expressions and viewschemes, MC could be setup to import photos, protect and catalogue original files and their meta data (all of it) and also keep track of edited versions.

Now, I would love for MC to take on a lot of the work involved in that for me, and maybe it will one day, who knows.

I'm going to think some more about this. In the meantime, anyone else got any thoughts?
(not forgetting that "send to: default editor" command)


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Re: MCC_SENDTO_TOOL ? & some image management musing
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 05:03:21 am »

A working MCC_SENDTO_TOOL button on the taskbar I think would be handy, and I think that's do-able atm, I just need some help getting there? or is there a quicker way?
I'd like to know how to do this as well...cant think of any faster ay to get at an external app than this.

Oh !!

i'm thinking you mean in MC's taskbar or is it XP's ?


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Re: MCC_SENDTO_TOOL ? & some image management musing
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 05:25:10 am »

i'm thinking you mean in MC's taskbar or is it XP's ?
I was thinking XP's because I didn't think it was possible on MC's (was a strong enough "didn't think" for me not to even look there)
given a choice, I'd take MC's, but either will do.

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