Ham, now my life is complete. You paid $250 to Izotope so you could watch a bouncing oscilloscope, but you're quibbling over an extra $10 to jriver, enabler of all things media? I hope Matt takes 5 minutes out of his lunch hour and writes an even cooler-looking plugin that puts your Izotope guys out of business.
If you use Ozone 3 simply for the o-scope you're missing the boat.
If quibbling is asking what is intended, then guilty as charged.
A recurring charge for tag data isn't high on my list.
I'd have to ask how often I change tags after my initial rip. I'd have to ask how many CDs I rip per month. Getting tag data outside MC is not difficult and MC imports very nicely thanks.
If you are new to MC or to music on your computer you may well have lots of poorly tagged files. And at that time you may well think an auto tagger with good data is worth whatever is asked. When the pile of untagged files dwindles, so will your ardor for paying a recurring charge for tag data.
Something that creates value, like a playlist creator, suggestions, "more like this" etc is a horse of a different color.
But, answering the question Jim asked, for tag data access, I'm not in the market.
P.S. If I wanted to be 'Ham' that is what I'd have chosen as a username.