Hi Jim,
Thanks for replying. Yep, both the built in memory and the 2GB mini SD card show up from within MC, and I can sync to each of those locations... that was just a speed bump that I was able to get over myself.
I think my insurmountable issues are more about incompatibility of tags between MC and WMP.
I love how when I burn an MP3 CD in MC, I can tell it to re-write the filenames and set a folder structure based on my tags. I think I need something kinda like that for syncing to my WMP capable phone... but for rewriting tags (the name tag), not for rewriting the filename.
Additionally, I would like the option to have MC write tags in the background that are compatible with WMP, like the rating tag.
After trying every 3rd party tagger I could find, and having all of them FAIL to provide any ability to transfer MC's rating tag to WMP's rating tag, I simply abandoned trying to do that. And that's just crazy frustrating to not be able to do that!!!
Anyway, as far as re-writing the name tag to prefix it with the BPM (a field that WMP desktop version already maintains but does not support as a column choice (STUPID!!!), and that WMP Mobile does not support at all), I simply copied all the files I wanted to a holding area, used MC to rename the File to be "([BPM]) [Name]", then set the name tag to be the new Filename. Pretty inelegant for my tastes, but functional and repeatable.
PS. My ultimate fantasy for you guys to fulfill: MC Windows Mobile 5 edition!!!