- It would be nice to change the icon for Title Case so I can remember if I had selected Sentence Case or Title Case and just click the button without having to pull down the menu. Hover will work but the icon will give an immediate notice. Here's a sample set of icons I came up with if you want to take a look. http://www.copesonline.com/caseimages.zip
Yeah, I meant to look into that but in my rush to get it done before the holiday, I forgot. I'll take a look at your icons and see how they look.
- I learned that May is a common word instead of just a month so I removed it from the list. I added a bunch of I variations like I'm, I'll, etc.
The install for LyricsEditor shouldn't be including a list of words to always cap anymore (so it won't overwrite the ones you already have). I can't remember if the months were something I stuck in a previous build or not, but yeah, May should definitely be removed. I actually have a list here that I compiled of country names, state names and capitals, plus some proper names... basically things I encountered and added to the list as I was working on my lyrics (The states, capitals, and country names all came from a couple of Animaniacs songs

). As soon as I get some time, I'm going to put up a download link for it so people can download and import it. In the meantime, if anybody has anything that could be added, post it, and I'll add it to the list.
Beyond that... you shouldn't have to add any variations of I. Just putting I in there should also catch I'm, I'll, etc.
- The spell checker sometimes doesn't show the word in question. Usually it's the line above the lines in the window.
Yeah, like I said before, the spellchecker was somebody else's work so I'm not sure I'll be able to fix any bugs in it. I don't understand half of what it's doing.
- Just Save has been removed. If I'm in the middle of editing and want to step away but want to make sure the current lyrics are saved even though I'm still working on them, do I need to do a Previous or Next in order to save them?
Forgot to mention that. The plugin will now automatically save data when you exit MC or choose another playlist in LE, so I didn't really see a point to a Just Save button anymore. If you don't plan on exiting MC when you're done, a quick Next or Previous will do it.
- Internal browser far right button arrow tooltip says "toolStripButton1".
- New Lyrics Site instructions second line is cut off.
D'oh! I'll fix it.
- I tried adding a new lyrics site but couldn't quite get it to work. If some people get others added, it would be nice if they posted them and you could add them.
What happened when you tried? And what did you expect to happen? Just curious as to how I can make this whole part work better and be clearer.
- I think I like the way the other Search Google worked. I have my Google preferences set to "Open search results in a new browser window" and with that, it didn't work with the internal browser. Plus some sites (like LyricsFreak) do something weird and the browser just goes blank.
You can disable use of the internal browser in the options (Miscellaneous). I personally don't use any search sites other than just Google, and for me, being able to select text and hit one button is nice, which was the sole reason I added the internal browser. I just wish I could figure out a way to kill pop-ups for the internal browser. But that's why it's optional, for the people who really hate IE and don't want to use it.
- I don't know if it's related to your plugin or not but somehow the Ctrl+2 shortcut for Mini View stopped working. I closed MC and restarted and then it worked.
Shouldn't be. I'm not capturing any keyboard shortcuts.
The list may seem a little long but I don't know what I'd do without your plugin. You've done a fantastic job!
Hey, keep the bug reports and suggestions coming! I want to make the best plugin I can, and I can't do that without your help.