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Author Topic: While you're at it, please help me find this video!!  (Read 943 times)


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While you're at it, please help me find this video!!
« on: June 16, 2006, 10:19:36 pm »

I, too, am looking for a video which I would absolutely love to have again.  I remember watching it a few years back with my cousins (I'm 18 now).  It is some sort of ~4 minute commercial or show that basically suggests exercising to kids but the entire show is about these moon pies or some sort of dessert.  The kids involved eat them in many ways, including blended in a blender, while rocking quickly in a rocking chair, and I seem to recall a big stack of these moon pie type desserts.

The point is to show how kids like to eat desserts but at the end, it says something about how kids should get outside and/or exercise.  I definitely remember some chocolate circular desserts which the kids thoroughly enjoy--there were a few boys and girls, if I remember correctly...

Again, I cannot express how appreciative I would be if someone could help me find this.  My cousins and I watched this many times and could not stop laughing--it would be so fun to watch it again.  I've tried searching around and watching movies it might be a preview on.  I do somewhat recall it being a preview placed before a movie and I probably have it around here somewhere, unless we just rented the movie.  THANKS!
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