v12's tree is
really beginning to irritate. the more I use it, the more it irritates.
the state of it in some of Alex's recent screenies are painful.
Novelty factor is a wierd thing. When I first launched v12, I thought, OK, looks quite good, nice idea, etc. etc.
Sadly, it's become very old, very quickly for me

That was a right rubbish post huh?
let's try and be a bit more constructive/positive shall we?
For starters, lose the bold text, and if the two are not related, reduce the spacing between tree nodes.
Put the expanders back on the left where they are supposed to be.
Lock the top three (four if you have Docs) nodes up the top and lock playing now right beneath those. The rest can be our playground.
If you don't want the media modes to auto expand, at least keep the expansion area in sync with the chosen mode when it is open (or close it when the selection changes)
All of that, when I think about it, brings practically full circle back to what we already had in v11.1, which is probably not what you had in mind..
This tree discussion has gotten a tad fragmented already, but somewhere around here there's some talk of using 'real' tabs as opposed to these kid-on things we currently have. Alex came up with some seriously interesting ideas as to how the tabs should be broken down.
the outlook style is an interesting one too, one that I'd take over what we have now, though I've never been a huge fan of "MS outlook style" shortcut bars.
Whatever, please do
something with the tree, 'coz it's slaying me atm
