Even without the adjustment, it looks like replay gain will clip problem tracks. Don't have any good tools to validate this - but using the 'BPM/Intensity/Replay Gain/Peak Level' view scheme, I have one track that shows a peak level of 100%, and a replay gain adjustment of +6db. Then again, this track has maybe a fraction of a second of sound near 100% and the rest of the track is very quiet.
The analysis you suggest could be implemented via database expressions.
Unfortunately Media Center:
- expresses peak level (as well al master volume) in percent and not in dB;
- populates a field with the Replay Gain value, and not with the Average RMS Level value;
- cannot handle numerical values in Database Expressions, but only strings.
It's rather simple maths thereafter.
Each audio file has an average RMS level AVG (actually Replay Gain applies A-weighting for computing it) and a peak level PK, both of which are calculated by Analyze Audio. Both AVG and PK are not positive (negative or zero) when expressed in dBFS (dB relative to Full Scale).
The average level is translated to Replay Gain using the formula
Peak Level is expressed in percent, while it would be better to express it in dBFS
PK=20*log10([Peak Level]
According to
Bob Katz’s terminology, let’s call
headroom the dynamic range of the signal (AVG to PK). It is left unchanged by Replay Gain.
cushion the spare part of the system’s dynamics (PK to the system’s full scale), that is actually never used in playback. The cushion is altered by Replay Gain.
The output signal clips when there is no cushion (CSH<0), that is, when HR>20 and AVG<-20 (the track dynamic range is more than 20 dB and the average track level is below -20 dBFS -- it's the same you said before, but in formulas RG=+6 dB, PK=0 dB, AVG=-26 dB, HR=26 dB, CSH=-6 dB).
I implemented that formulas by exporting data from Media Center using copy-and-paste into a spreadsheet, and I found that "problem tracks" are very few (tracks that clip after Replay Gain, CSH<0). Most of them are demos of professional musical instruments. You can download them for free:
“Flautando” by Herb Tucmandl, a demo of the
Vienna Symphonic Library sample library, that shows its high dynamics.
“Adagio clean” , a classical piano track used to demonstrate
Hybrid Piano 2 by
Post Musical Instruments.
“Dark Side” by Dan Fisher, a demo of the
Kurzweil K2600 synthesizer, that uses a lot of resonant analog filters.