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Author Topic: Images and version 9.  (Read 1946 times)


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Images and version 9.
« on: September 14, 2002, 06:53:23 am »

It would be helpful to hear from those who are experimenting with image management in version 9.0.
How many images do you have? Are they from a digital camera? Home large are they? What is your organization scheme.

For example, I have about 3000 total images. I take around 500 to 700 pictures a year. Maybe 500 of those images are from scans of older photos (and I have a lot more to do).

I'm using a 4.0 megapixel Sony DSC-P9 camera now so the images are around a megabyte and a half each.

I'm organizing them by year, genre, and comment. The genre represents a subject (garden) or place (Nebraska). Sometimes I use comment to break it down further.

I sometimes display them on the PC where the files are, and sometimes on a 32 inch digital TV where the higher resolution really shows.

I rarely print photos now -- just when I want to send a picture (4x6) to someone who doesn't use a PC or if I like the picture enough to frame it (8x10).

When I'm done with a series of photos (a trip, for example), I upload the pictures to a web gallery. Here's an example some of you might remember:
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2002, 07:00:33 am »

I too have all my pictures in digital format, and like you dont bother printing them any more.
I just keep them all on my computer. Also like you, I now also put them on a website. I think one of the most important tools you should try include into v9 for images is the ability to export to a webpage.
Just give three simple styles for how to lay out the page, choices on colour, bg colour, text size etc, and size of the main image and the thumbnails as well as quality then boom. One quick and easy webpage for friends :)


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2002, 07:22:14 am »


I have around 300,000 images.  They come from all sources…

* CD’s.
* Photo CD’s.
* Downloaded images.
* Scanned 35mm Slides.
* Second Nature Slide Show *.SNX images (around 1,000).

NOTE… MJ9 will NOT view Second Nature Slide Show *.SNX images; ACDSee does.
Jim… You can download a free sample of the Second Nature Slide Show viewer with some sample SNX images at…



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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2002, 10:13:06 am »

Images-Around 1500 (camera,scan and ect.)
Digital camera-Olympus
Image size from camera-150 to 500kb (older camera, but great pics)
Download software- date and auto puts in image no.

It also keeps within the image a date.
mm/dd/yy_hh:mm_am or pm
Which shows up as date modified on MJ ver 9 and win explorer.

Display- PC and 32" TV.

When Im done with a series of photos, I use Firehand Lighting and create a slide show.
Great software, voice overlays, trans. and ect.

With Firehand you end up with one .exe file that you can cut to cd along with an autorun and send off somewhere or run it from your PC.

Hope this helps

PS Looked at the latest rel of ver 9 briefly, seen it was picking up modified date, would be nice if this field could be broken apart without using search strings.


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2002, 11:01:21 am »

My images number in the 1,000's.  Most are downloaded, although I do scan with my Epson 1000 ICS quite often, and I do take images with my Kodak DC265 (1.6MP).  I use ImageWalker for all my image viewing, resizing, web gallery creation and more.  I can view images at 320 x 480 on my Sony Clié NR70. :-)


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2002, 01:42:56 pm »

I've got about 2,200 images - most from my digital camera.

Although I've tried a few photo album apps, I mainly use Windows Explorer's filmstrip and thumbnail views.  Very easy.  I organize them into folders based on dates and event names:
2002.01 - Hawaii
2002.02 - Amelia
2002.03 - Emily & Phil

To produce webpages, I used to use Frontpage, and now I'm switching to GoLive.

Most of the photos come out of my Sony Mavica CD300 (3 megapixel) at about 1MB.  They're 2048x1360.  I also rarely print photos, but I'm keeping the high-resolution files just in case.

I either post them on my website or I email the pictures.  For the web, I shrink them to 640x480 and make thumbnails.  The 640x480 files are about 50KB.


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2002, 11:36:05 pm »

About 5000 photos on harddisc, a couple of thousand on CDRs. Most of them taken by a 4mpix-digicam (Sony 85). The most of them have EXIF-information.

I organize them by genre (theme), sub-genre (location), author and year. The comment get's a description. And I would add a view scheme "genre, sub-genre".

The size of the images is about 3 to 5mb each.

Mark Coutinho

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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2002, 11:46:46 pm »

Some 2000 photo's all made with my Casio 3000 camera.
Organizing is done now with PhotoLoader (comes with the camera), but that's a rather poorly supported program.

Databasemanagement is very important to me. I'd like to organize them on date (I also use the foldername-method: yyyymmdd); renaming; searching like the mp3-engine in MJ.
Actually: I want to organize them quite like my mp3's in MJ. That's why I'm looking out to what the feature will be like. I wait with searching for another program!
(I don't test the beta's - have no time for that)


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2002, 05:09:32 am »

The advantage to testing betas is that you may have something to say about what gets added to the program.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2002, 12:50:10 pm »

I have about 1300 photos so far, all taken with a digital camera. I organize them on my PC as YYYY\YYYY-MM-DD\FileXXX. I use a homegrown PHP script to dynamically populate my website as new albums are uploaded.


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RE:Images and version 9.
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2002, 10:15:01 pm »

Hi Jim,

I am a recent Digicam addict. I switched from my old Pentax SLR
to a Canon Digital cam 3 month ago! So far I have made about 1400 photos and I use the same kind of naming scheme as Alan :
The kind of data I'd like to store along with my pics include :
-Date/time taken
-subject (folks on the picture)
-type of pic (portrait, landscape, macro, test, outtakes,....)
-a few exif infos (aperture, shutter speed, ISO number)

Lately I have been testing some image management sharewares.
The one that comes very close to what I want is Imatch 3 (www.photools.col). In fact this program has some common ground with MJ. The DB management is similar, you can use categories to classify your pictures and they have a very active user's forum !

Of course my reference in media management is MJ so I'm pretty excited by what I already saw in MJ9.

Bon développements !
Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance
than the color of his eyes.
Bob Marley (War)
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