pane corruptioninstalled .42 this morning. MC is set to open in "Images". I go from there to 'Albums' which is a custom root scheme which contains full albums with no duplicate exclusions. I pick an album to play, and then move on to my image workshop to do a little tagging....
I've not been able to produce this at will, I can get close though...
This is the workshop viewscheme:
the panes are all standard list type fields except for stack and top image which are just regular standard custom fields, and rating is MC's built in field. It's path is "Workshop > image > 1. Incoming photos"
This is how my default audio 'tab' is set up...
step 4: mt=audio -playlistid==513805622,=588413271 -g=podcast -al=[Online Radio])
and when I select it, it loads up in the [Albums] library browser view.
Going from the image viewscheme to the audio viewscheme, then clicking back causes 1st pane corruption for me every time. It's not as bad as the 1st example above, but it's there just the same...
If I squeeze the panes up to force a scrollbar, this effect goes away.
Hopefully, this will help you get close enough to fix the more random, but worse corruption I've been seeing for quite a few builds now.
Almost forgot, still using 2 views, with one completely hiding the other. Using the view that is active (and on display) when MC opens.
No expressions or expression based fields in use this time except for the thumbnail text in the image viewscheme.