That would be fine for me. I always play my music shuffled and reshuffle PN every now and then.
While we are at that... could you consider a small modification on the reshuffle PN? This has been requested many times before: The option to "Reshuffle all" and "Reshuffle remaining songs".
For instance, you are in PN listening to a list. You've been adding some more tracks at the end of the list and at a given moment you want to reshuffle the list so that the recently added have more chance to be listened very soon. Currently, if you don't delete from PN the already played songs, those will be also reshuffled. You normally do not want to hear them again. What you want is to reshuffle the still not played songs. To achieve that, you have first to manually delete the already played and then perform the reshuffle, which is a pain mainly if you don't have a keyboard available at that time.
Would that be very difficult to implement?
Thank you.