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Author Topic: Media Center 12.0.59  (Read 12481 times)


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Media Center 12.0.59
« on: August 22, 2006, 05:08:26 pm »


12.0.59 (8/22/06)

1. NEW: Added YADB cover art lookup / submission. (please submit any albums you have good covers for)
2. Changed: Merged settings for auto-expand / auto-collapsing of the tree into one setting in Options > Tree & View.
3. Changed: List-type fields in the Action Window will use one line for their list of values if the list is short enough.
4. Fixed: Multimedia keys were not being handled as well as in MC 11.1 in some cases.
5. Changed: Right clicking anywhere on the top border of the program will show the "Customize Toolbar" menu. (instead of just on the file menu)
6. Changed: Right-click drag now supported by the navigation tree.
7. NEW: By default, thumbnail views determine the best aspect ratio by sampling the thumbnails. (moving the thumbnail size slider automatically puts the list in auto-aspect ratio mode)
8. Fixed: Resizing thumbnails could produce a dead area at the top of the list in some cases.
9. Fixed: In some cases, right-click menus in the tree would fail to work properly.
10. Changed: Reworked the auto-collapse / auto-expand logic in the tree. (any auto-expanded item gets collapsed when changing selection)
11. Fixed: Tree > right-click > "Add Device..." was not working.
12. NEW: Importing of iTunes playlists (as saved as txt or xml) added.
13. Changed: Updated the Spanish translation. (thanks ferent!)
14. Changed: Updated the French translation. (thanks laurentxp!)

12.0.58 (8/19/06)

1. Changed: Switched audio analysis dialog back to only counting files that need analysis in the "xx / xx completed" text.
2. Fixed: Minimizing to the system tray wasn't hiding the regular task bar button.
3. Fixed: OS-level eject of iPods and drive-style handhelds was not working properly.
4. Changed: Thumbnailer will stop trying to thumbnail a file after it fails to thumbnail three times.
5. Changed: Improved handling (and performance) of thumbnailing system when dealing with files that don't have a thumbnail. (like audio with no art)

12.0.57 (8/18/06)

1. NEW: Library views with items like file paths, groupings, playlists, expressions, etc. fully support grouping thumbnails. (previously only available with simple fields)
2. Changed: Tag Action Window looks nicer when no files are selected.
3. Fixed: Anything that could possibly show a wait message if it would take a while (expand some tree items, navigation, etc.) could stall for several seconds. (introduced in 56)
4. Fixed: When tile links faded in, the left-most text could look too dark with font anti-aliasing enabled.
5. Fixed: When jumping to full screen display view and back, a list's scroll position could have moved.
6. Fixed: Shutting down the program after it hadn't been running long could cause a crash in rare cases.
7. Optimized: Improved speed when jumping between UI modes.
8. Fixed: Starting the program and immediately going to the remote control options page could cause a crash.
9. Fixed: Thumbnail views wouldn't update properly after tagging changes.
10. NEW: Added iTunes playlist import support.
11. Fixed: When doing "Remove Tags", folder watching could unnecessarily reanalyze the file later.
12. Changed: Doing audio analysis on a large list where only a few files needed analysis would take longer than expected.
13. Fixed: View schemes targetting a specified disk location would have a "Click here to reset selection" even when it wasn't necessary.
14. Changed: Reworked IPTC tag display in the "Format" section of the Tag window to look like the MJMD section.
15. Fixed: Video zooming did not work smoothly when the "Crop" aspect ratio option had been choosen.
16. Changed: Video zooming can zoom out further than the window size, up to the native video size, if the window size is larger than the native video size.

12.0.56 (8/16/06)

1. Fixed: File ordering inside albums on an iPod could show up alphabetical instead of in disc # / track # order.
2. Changed: Detached display considers windowed location instead of current location when calculating "Nearest Monitor" for fullscreen.
3. Changed: During the last 10 days before a beta timeout, the timeout warning is shown each launch of the player.
4. Fixed: It was not possible to fill in a missing track number from the tag Action Window.
5. NEW: In MP3 files, ID3's popularimeter mapped to MC star ratings.
6. NEW: Video Panning (hold down left mouse button and drag when video is zoomed in) is available for TV, DX video player, and DVD player.
7. Changed: Skinning engine better handles some ATL COM third party plugins.
8. Fixed: Internet image lookup was not working properly.
9. Changed: Updated Dutch translation. (thanks BennyD!)
10. Changed: Removed tree icons from root items.

12.0.55 (8/14/06)

1. NEW: Scheduler view has its own scheduler view header image.
2. Fixed: Downloads of plugins, etc. could fail.
3. Fixed: Video zooming would not anchor at the right point.
4. Fixed: Video zooming with "Crop Edges" option on did not work smoothly.
5. Changed: Switching zones no longer ensures that Media Center is visible.
6. Fixed: Upgrade pricing for v12 was not working properly.
7. Changed: Detached display remembers if it was fullscreen last time it was detached and returns to the same state.
8. NEW: Video zooming is available in TV.
9. NEW: Updated the German translation. (thanks bytestar!)

12.0.54 (8/11/06)

1. NEW: Video zooming is also available for DVD playback.
2. Fixed: Clicking "Play" on a tile while the jump on play mode was set to Playing Now could cause a crash.
3. NEW: Updated the animation that shows on the generic please wait dialog.
4. Fixed: Going directly from Mini View to a fullscreen view (display or Theater View) could cause problems.
5. Fixed: When switcing the list style of the file list below a grouping list, it wouldn't update right away.
6. Fixed: The space available on a device wouldn't properly update after a format.

12.0.53 (8/10/06)

1. NEW: Mouse wheel zooms video in and out.
2. Fixed: Bursts of sound during video thumbnailing on some computers.
3. Fixed: Video thumbnailing could hang the thumbnailing thread if FFDShow MPEG-4 Vidoe decoder filter is used for some DivX5.0 formatted videos.
4. Changed: Non-critical failures (mixer configuration) of Video Mixing Renderer 9 are ingored so VMR9 can continue to be used in video playback.
5. Fixed: Playback with a display could fail in some cases. (introduced in build 52)
6. Changed: Added a November 1, 2006 timeout for the beta.
7. Fixed: Editing a list-type field in the action window would make in-place list editing fail to work.
8. Fixed: With split views, the tree would not update its selection when switching focus between the views.
9. Fixed: Setting list-type fields in the tag window for multiple files at a time didn't always work properly.
10. Changed: Added a "Cancel" button to the Add Tag dialog.
11. Fixed: List tile links would fade in and out even if Media Center wasn't the focused application.
12. Fixed: Switching away from a 3D visualization using the right-click menu could stall for several seconds.
13. Changed: Caption is no longer a list-style field.
14. Changed: Switched default auto import behavior to not remove missing files from network or removable drives. (only applies to fresh installs)
15. Changed: Video zooming will cause black strips (top, bottom, or left, right) to be reduced or eliminated.
16. NEW: When doing a lossless rotation of an image, the EXIF orientation flag and database field for rotation is cleared.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2006, 05:16:41 pm »

1. NEW: Added YADB cover art lookup / submission. (please submit any albums you have good covers for)

i guess this is done using

select track, right click, Library Tools, Submit Track info To YADB
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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2006, 05:19:20 pm »

i guess this is done using

select track, right click, Library Tools, Submit Track info To YADB

select track, right click, Image, Submit to Internet
may U live 2 see the dawn

bennyd :-)


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 05:31:27 pm »

So will we be able to get images back out that are better than ones we already have?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 05:41:00 pm »

Well That Seemed Not To Work

Submitted And Image For "Jim Breuer"

Deleted Track Image

get From Internet

Got Image For "Amore - Andrea Bacelli"

Who ever that is.

Edit: I Am Wondering If This Works Off Of The Fields, Or A Fingerprint As In YADB. Because the Artist Field Was Blank For "Jim Breuer" And Got "Amore - Andrea Bacelli" And Another File I Got The Same think On A Blank Artist Field.
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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 08:19:24 pm »

In trying to set up a view scheme that had nodupes of image files so I could do the upload to YADB, I discovered that in the More Fields menu that Image File wasn't there which I had expected to find. I thought this was a missed item in MC 12 but also noticed it is not in MC 11. I think it should be added as it would make things a lot easier at various times.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 08:44:38 pm »

Ok I hope someone up at JRiver reads this.

In seeing the latest build I thought for a second the problems of the tree/action view was solved. :o

Look how nice it is to have the playing now item fully expanded without the tree taking over!!! the only thing that would make this better is if the playing now item could actually be shrunk manually by the users to give the tree view just a bit more room.

However when the tree view is closed,  playing now, shrinks? :o

It is so close to being great now, if only action items could be sized manually by the user, and they did not shrink or get taken over by the tree being opened.

What would be even better is if you could view more than one action item at a time and the tree view hover over them like a menu and then auto hide like Mr. Chriz's idea:
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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2006, 09:14:02 pm »

12.0.59 (8/22/06)

1. NEW: Added YADB cover art lookup / submission. (please submit any albums you have good covers for)

Done.  Submitted ~1800.
I checked the log just to see what is was doing and doesn't look like it currently writes to the log file at all.  I had all of the event types checked.

So when we GET coverart from internet, will it check YADB first, then fall back on the old method of amazon or wherever you were looking?

3. Changed: List-type fields in the Action Window will use one line for their list of values if the list is short enough.

Confirmed.  Thanks!

7. NEW: By default, thumbnail views determine the best aspect ratio by sampling the thumbnails. (moving the thumbnail size slider automatically puts the list in auto-aspect ratio mode)

Much better for me in all of my viewschemes.  Square album covers still look good.  DVD covers tile much better now.  Image viewscheme with varying sizes and both portrait and landscape modes looks pretty good when resizing also.  I'd say it's a keeper.

New issue I found today:

Customize current view > Preset > Load Preset

This is only changing the options in the "Sorting" portion.
The "Columns to show" are not being updated from the preset.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 11:02:50 pm »

Another one I discovered today....

Attempting to sych Ipod and Nano simultaneously.

Trasfers worked correctly for both devices but there's a display issue:
Docked both devices.
Started sync on nano.
Percentage complete window displays properly just above the action window.
Started sync on ipod.
Never got percentage complete window for this device and the status window for the nano disappeared.

If I click on each under the drive and devices tree, I can see that they are still transferring files.
Should be able to display both status bars.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 12:26:30 am »

Command line mode switching is broken when MC is minimized.


1. Open MC
2. Minimize it
3. Call MC12.exe /Mode Minime OR  MC12.exe /Mode Theater and you get some very strange results!

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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2006, 01:26:59 am »

the only tree items that auto-expand for me are from podcasts down, inclusive. none of my library viewscheme groups auto-expand, they need a second click before they open.

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2006, 07:12:40 am »

German Translation Update 23.8.06
Please insert it in the next build tanks...
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Download the latest language file here:!AnQ3L_bTnnzv7sl5BeJV9n4sMn3pFg?e=VlaNNc The file is continuously updated.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2006, 07:40:17 am »

Audio in Windows Vista

details of the Vista audio architecture...
Official Microsoft © product tester.
Download the latest language file here:!AnQ3L_bTnnzv7sl5BeJV9n4sMn3pFg?e=VlaNNc The file is continuously updated.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2006, 08:31:37 am »

The option Auto Expand for the tree does not work. If I uncheck it, the tree still auto-expands and auto-collapses each main item.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2006, 08:48:18 am »

While your doing things with thumbnails.... How about a Size All Option??

If I change the size for 1, I'd like to have the option to re size it for all locations.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2006, 08:57:31 am »

12.0.58 (8/19/06)

3. Fixed: OS-level eject of iPods and drive-style handhelds was not working properly.

This was not fixed for me.  with .58,  I had an Auto Eject from MC.  Ipod was removed from MC, but was still "connected",  had to go to Windows to eject.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2006, 09:07:29 am »

the only tree items that auto-expand for me are from podcasts down, inclusive. none of my library viewscheme groups auto-expand, they need a second click before they open.

This is by design.  Library roots don't auto expand.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2006, 09:22:16 am »

I have "Show Splash Screen" selected, but it doesn't show the splash screen.  Try to say that three times quickly.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2006, 09:39:54 am »

New issue I found today:

Customize current view > Preset > Load Preset

This is only changing the options in the "Sorting" portion.
The "Columns to show" are not being updated from the preset.

There's a preset button for sorting and for columns.  They're not related.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2006, 09:42:32 am »

Hovering over an album thumbnail isnt popping up the files list for that album, in audio viewshemes.

Also, hover over an album thumbnail in the bottom files list, but near the border with the tiles list, and the tiles in the tiles list start to auto scroll through the stack.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2006, 10:33:33 am »

Getting a consistent crash here.  Start tracks playing.  Switch to a task playlist for no image, select the image view, get from internet, track play starts to stutter, MC crashes when tryng to save the art.  Not always but 2 times out of 6 covers so far.

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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2006, 10:44:30 am »

Select track/right click/tag will open the tag window and show info for the selected track.   Try this with a track in AW playing now, and you get the tag window showing info for some other track, for example the last track you selected in audio view.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2006, 10:52:56 am »

The song information bar next to the play buttons constantly reads "buffering..." so that you cant see what track number etc. is being played.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2006, 11:27:07 am »


12.0.59 (8/22/06)

1. NEW: Added YADB cover art lookup / submission. (please submit any albums you have good covers for)

Matt, Can you provide more info about this...

Is it the standard Submit Track to YADB?  I was looking under Right Click - Image, but did not see anything.

Do we submit Tracks or Albums?  What is the best way to do this?  Should we be batching small amounts or letting rip with hundreds and thousands!  ;)

You may want to suggest a Smartlist that can filter "good" cover art of certain sizes -- if that is possible with a smart list, that might help.  And if we are submitting one per album, then the smart list would pull just one song per album.


EDIT:  SORRY - Did not see this thread:



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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2006, 11:30:14 am »

The song information bar next to the play buttons constantly reads "buffering..." so that you cant see what track number etc. is being played.

I experience this occasionally.  Usually when I have a large queue for Playing Now and after a couple dozen or so songs have played.
Stopping and restarting song clears it.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2006, 12:12:55 pm »

Inserted USB flash drive and MC automatically added it as a device. I went to the device in the Drives & Devices list in the tree, right-clicked on it, and selected "Remove & Ignore Device". I got the warning popup message, clicked OK, and then got:

The instruction at "0x7c910f29" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program.

Did it again and this time no error.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2006, 12:59:16 pm »

Here's a little bug I picked up from Gamer--er, oh never mind.  At any rate, if you switch views from standard to mini and back again and aren't particularly lucky, the menu items available under "view" stick to the three available in mini view: standard view/mini view/theater view.  This doesn't happen all the time, only often enough to drive you crazy.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2006, 01:02:53 pm »

Maybe it's just me, but view/navigation/find media doesn't do anything, at least while I'm looking.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2006, 01:35:46 pm »

The "Tools" menu is EXTREMELY slow to respond during audio playback.  All other menus behave normally, but hovering over or selecting "Tools" causes the playback window SA viz (backwards left-handed) to freeze for 3-5 secs before the menu finally appears.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2006, 02:17:58 pm »

Zxsix, just to let you know that as soon as I get into this thread I'm getting a pop-up connection window asking me for username and pass to get into It's probably something related to a link that you've posted that you may want to take a look at.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2006, 02:40:28 pm »

Please have a look at :

If you were in Mini view, then back to standard view...

You nned to goto View - Standard view    again, before any other menus under view appear.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2006, 02:50:24 pm »

Gamer, any chance you are using Zone Alarm firewall?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2006, 03:25:21 pm »

I suddenely can't select "Video" in the tree -- I get a crash every time I do this.  I'm not sure exactly when this started, but it was one of the relatively recent builds.  It definitely USED to work.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2006, 03:26:39 pm »

Zxsix, just to let you know that as soon as I get into this thread I'm getting a pop-up connection window asking me for username and pass to get into It's probably something related to a link that you've posted that you may want to take a look at.

sorry bout that.  it was a web server problem where my signature is hosted.
moved it and it's fine now.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2006, 03:46:27 pm »

Maybe it's just me, but view/navigation/find media doesn't do anything, at least while I'm looking.

It does the same thing as Ctrl+F for me.  Switches to a library root and puts the focus in the search box.

Ctrl+F .... type ... Shift+Enter is how I play lots of stuff.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2006, 04:43:49 pm »

Matt, this is another problem that went away when I tweaked Zone Alarm.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2006, 06:37:28 pm »

So that Tile View grouping bug I reported yesterday?
I'm pretty sure it's related to sorting.

If I use just a Name sort, the groupings are fine.

But if I use (and I do):

Album Artist (auto)
Disc #
Track #

Then it gets all screwy like I posted yesterday.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2006, 06:52:50 pm »

So that Tile View grouping bug I reported yesterday?
I'm pretty sure it's related to sorting.

If I use just a Name sort, the groupings are fine.

But if I use (and I do):

Album Artist (auto)
Disc #
Track #

Then it gets all screwy like I posted yesterday.

I think it's actually doing the right thing.  They'll all have "<varies>" for an artist, so it sorts by date.  In this case, it uses the average date of all the items inside the letter grouping.

You can set the sorting per-page, so just switch it to "Default."
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #38 on: August 23, 2006, 07:04:20 pm »

Ctrl+F .... type ... Shift+Enter is how I play lots of stuff.

Good to know!!!!


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #39 on: August 23, 2006, 07:56:51 pm »

- Unable to close MC if Audio Anaylsis dialog is open, even if it's completed analyzing as below:

- Audio stops after performing various file functions, such as moving, importing, deleting, even though playback continues.  MC need to be closed and reopened to restore audio.

- I can no longer use the down arrow key to navigate items in a drop down box without first left clicking on the arrow to the right of the box

Media Center Registered 12.0.57 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 12\

Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
AMD Unknown 2731 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2096 MB, Free - 1383 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.5450.4 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive I:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive O:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive Q:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive R:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive I: PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-712A     Addr: 5:1:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Drive R: PLEXTOR  CD-R   PREMIUM     Addr: 5:0:0  Speed:52  MaxSpeed:52  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2006, 08:00:35 pm »

I have "Show Splash Screen" selected, but it doesn't show the splash screen.  Try to say that three times quickly.

same here, I think me and you have the same system issues:

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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #41 on: August 23, 2006, 10:20:46 pm »

I think it's actually doing the right thing.  They'll all have "<varies>" for an artist, so it sorts by date.  In this case, it uses the average date of all the items inside the letter grouping.

You can set the sorting per-page, so just switch it to "Default."

I'm not following you. But even if I take it on faith, and set the sorting to "Default", then "Others" winds up between M-O and P-R, which may be technically correct, but it's not expected behavior, especially when Panes and Theater View both put Others at the front of the list.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #42 on: August 24, 2006, 12:40:39 am »

Is anyone else having trouble with the "Video" section?  I can select "Audio" or "Images," but I get a crash EVERY time I select "Video."  There is a pause, then I get the Windows "reporting" popup and MC closes.

UPDATE:  This is somehow related to using Library Server.  If I use the "default" library, I can select "Video," but I can't if I'm using the remote library via the server.

UPDATE:  The server is running MC11.1.  It's using the latest version (194) and still has this issue -- I cannot select "Video."  If I open MC11.1 on the client and select Video, everything works fine -- it's just when the client is running MC12 that the problem occurs.  Either there is an incompatibility between MC11 and 12 libraries that only exhibits itself with video, or there is a new bug with MC12.




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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #43 on: August 24, 2006, 01:16:26 am »

Is anyone else having trouble with the "Video" section?  I can select "Audio" or "Images," but I get a crash EVERY time I select "Video."  There is a pause, then I get the Windows "reporting" popup and MC closes.

UPDATE:  This is somehow related to using Library Server.  If I use the "default" library, I can select "Video," but I can't if I'm using the remote library via the server.

UPDATE:  The server is running MC11.1.  It's using the latest version (194) and still has this issue -- I cannot select "Video."  If I open MC11.1 on the client and select Video, everything works fine -- it's just when the client is running MC12 that the problem occurs.  Either there is an incompatibility between MC11 and 12 libraries that only exhibits itself with video, or there is a new bug with MC12.


Larry, possibly related to build .57 changes?
see this thread:

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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2006, 02:03:02 am »

The album thumbnail tooltip with coverart and album tracks is not materialising.
auto rip is not working.
Insert another cd for ripping, nothing happens.
In the action window, click "click here to restart ripping" always returns the following dialogue:

clicking retry always respawns the dialogue. Clicking cancel, and then clicking on "click here to restart ripping" again, restarts ripping.
(this one, and the [disc #] bug below are a pain to keep testing, so, I'll leave these in until I see a related change in the changelog)
[disc #] field is being auto-filled:
When ripping a cd that already exists in the cd\dvd database, MC is automatically tagging [disc #]==1. This is also being written to the cd\dvd database.
update tags from library
This could use a little attention...
For me, MC becomes totally unresponsive, no screen refresh, nothing.
in this screenie, the only active element is the progress meter, any other window that opens, then closes, leaves it's image behind.

this job took 22 minutes to complete.
Shutdown can often take quite some time. This would seem to be affected by how long MC has been open.
"3566828: General: CMCShutdownHelper::Cleanup: Finish (20969 ms)" is not uncommon to see.
This leads to much HDD grinding long after the GUI has gone, and means that if closing, then relaunching MC, the relaunch doesn't happen because the previous process is still running.
I often see this when installing a new build. Close MC and double click on the installer. Installer reports that MC is still running and offers to close it for me.
Action Window
(Panes view, Tagging mode: On) Select an image, open the [people] tag in the AW and tick a tag. Keep the file selection and leave the AW as it is, and now tick a different tag in a pane. Notice the previously tagged people in the AW gets cleared.
After working inside the tag window, then moving the mouse over the file list, the scroll wheel will not work untill the list is clicked on, or scrolled manually via the scroll bar.
select a file, open the people tag in the AW. Set a tag and close [people], returning the AW to the main tag window. now move the mouse over the file list and use the scroll wheel. Nothing happens.
The cursor image is not being updated whilest inside the 'Tag' Window
.avi files are not being aquired from the camera. (Discuss?)
How do we reset a file's playcount figure? [number plays] does not appear in the tag list.
slideshow playback
captions precede their images by a second or two. (Discuss?)
Could we please try this suggested solution?
expression based fields
Is this expected behaviour?
It has become markedly slower since build 47.
Matt, did you get my email? This has gone bad again. Choosing Kodak, then clicking on 'unassigned' people, selecting the first image and clicking to tag six people is taking around 14 seconds from last click, to tick. (build 59: 10 seconds)
Place the cursor on the bottom toolbar. If there is thumbnail text just out of view, ie, behind the toolbar, the thumbnail fades out to reveal its play tag stuff.
extended desktop
The TV is the secondary display device, and in the display setup, it's configured to the right of the monitor. MC's tooltips do not detect the right edge of the monitors' display area and instead, display out of view in the extended desktop area.

The context menus know where the edge is, and display to the left if there's not enough room to the right. Hopefully tooltips can be given the same 'awareness'.

both images taken from the extreme right edge of the screen.
Command line stuff
mc12.exe "/playreplace TREEPATH=Playlists\viewscheme groups\Logitech\preset1"
The string above works fine if MC is running. If MC is closed, the string launches MC, but does nothing else.
v11.1 would launch and begin playback.
display view/taskbar issue
Note: My taskbar is along the bottom of the screen, double height..

Display view opens behind the taskbar. It requires a click on the taskbar, then a click on the disply, to bring the display to the front of the taskbar.
I thought this was fixed, but it's not. Try it with some music playing too.
Display View:
When using two split views, launch display view (by double clicking an image?). When returning to standard view, focus has switched to the other view in the split.
Tree Stuff:
Any root view scheme alphabetically lower than 'audio' can still displace the 'tabs' from their top-level resting place. <--- You fixed this? looks much better now
not fixed. placement now differs depending upon which icon is chosen for the viewscheme. "scheme" achieves the desired result. choosing any other wrecks the tree.

Removal of the tree icons has not helped this problem:

Playing Now is also still wandering around within the tree window as things are expanded/collapsed. This often makes it quite hard to locate quickly.
list-type and standard type panes behave very differently when in tagging mode. this is at best, counter-intuitive, and at worst, plain confusing. (Discuss?)
After loading a viewscheme, the panes will often re-adjust themselves width-ways, usually after a track change, or after a click or two when in tagging mode. I've lost count of the times I've lined up a click to tag, only to have the pane move away from under the mouse.

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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2006, 02:05:08 am »

  • An "Apply" button for the 'Edit/Add View Scheme' dialogue. (Discuss?)
  • .tif file tag reading at a minimum, writing would be nice too if possible (Discuss?)
  • the ability to set a library field to be used as a caption for images and/or thumbnails when using the 'send to > web/ftp > create html' tool
  • Expressions in the 'base path' field of the rename from props tool. (Discuss?)
  • I would like to be able to use a date expression in the aquire images general "path" option, and for the scanner, I'd like to be able to setup some incremental file naming rule
  • when playing both audio and images, the dislay's context menu has "send to... (currently playing track)" would love to see "send to... (currently displayed image)" on there too.
  • Could we get a "loop slideshow" option in the image playback settings? If that's possible, could we also have access to the setting when right-click on a slideshow display? This would help greatly with image playcounts being messed up when absent-mindedly left playing in the display window.
  • When using a panes view to tag images, the fade-in play | tag options and the rotating statistics beneath thumbnails seem a little redundant. Could they be turned off in this scenario? (Discuss?)
  • Navigational favourites could use a little spit and polish. (Discuss?)

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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #46 on: August 24, 2006, 03:56:51 am »

Larry, possibly related to build .57 changes?
see this thread:

Thanks for the link.  I'll look into this, but I'm not entirely clear what a "view state" is, and I'm really not doing anything out of the ordinary.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.59
« Reply #47 on: August 24, 2006, 12:34:44 pm »

Select a Podcast file and right-click to get to Library Tools \ Convert Format. Click Change button, select Encoding in tree, and click the link for more encoders. MC 12 just dies and closes.

This was reproducible about 10 times and in trying the other ways to get to that "For more encoders" link to see if it was just for podcast files it was dying, something must have happened because I can't reproduce it now.
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