On the same topic, I leave my speakers turned to about 60% and never touch the volume. I only adjust it from my keyboard control. Do other people do this? It is much easier for me and seems to work well.
I have this theory that it is best to keep the computer volume as high as possible, without disorting the sound. This way the static noise (the constant generated sameleveled sound) will be a lot less than the sound. Having a bit difficult explaining. I'll try in an example to.
Say I want sound of 10 (ignoring any db convertions aso.)
Case 1: When I turn the computer to high output, and amplifier to low (when high output, it don't need to amplifie much to get output 10), I have output 5 on computer, amplifing 2, getting 10.
Case 2: When I turn the computer to low output, and amplifier to high (when low output, it need to amplifie much to get output 10), I have output 1 on computer, amplifing 10, getting 10.
In both cases the computer generates a static noise, undependent on the sound level. this is of say, level 0.1 before the amplifier. In case 1 it would be 0.2 after amplifier, but in case 2 it would be 0.5. Hence the case 1 is to preffer.
There is also the aspect of volume trailing noise, which little other than better audio system can fix...
I do not know any actual results of this, but it's a theory I have, that I try to follow. Probaly objections to this in the outer world