you have corresponding tags for these things, yes?
etc. etc.
so, instead of using a "super tag", why not work with what you already have?
My rename from properties expressions take care of just about all things in one go, so that when using the tool, it's simply a case of bringing it up and clicking the OK button...
My directories are defined like so:
IF(IsEqual([media type],audio,1),if(isequal([album],Assorted Tracks,1),Music\[album],if(isempty([disc #],1),Music\[file type]\[album artist (auto)]\[album],Music\[file type]\[album artist (auto)]\[album]\Disc [disc #])),if(isequal([media type],image,1),if(isequal([type],album art,1),Music\[type]\[album artist (auto)],if(isequal([type],unknown type,1),Pictures\!source\[source]\[date (year)] - [filenamedate],Pictures\[type]\if(isequal([genre],unknown genre,1),,[genre])\if(isequal([type],wallpaper,1),[dimensions],))),if(isequal([media type],data,1),Info Files\[artist] - [album],Movies\[genre]))
The only really, really, sad thing about the rename from props tool is that we cannot use expressions in the base path field. If we could, we would be able to dictate which drive a file gets moved to based on its [media type]. I'm hanging out for this to make it's way into v12