Currently, in both MC11.1 and MC12, when you choose a "Child" item below one of your view schemes in the tree the Panes bar (where you switch from Panes to Tiles mode, and have the thumbnail slider) disappears completely. This means:
1) you can't use the Thumbnail slider. This sucks on it own.
2) It doesn't match the interface or behavior when you navigate through the library in any other way (when you open different selections in the Panes or in Tiles you certainly don't lose the Panes bar)
3) you can't switch to tiles mode without de-selecting the choice in the tree.
Why don't the three different navigation styles "match"? They should all use a consistent UI including the Panes Bar. I also think they should also really "follow each other". If you navigate somewhere through the Tiles mode, and then switch to Panes mode, you should still be "open" at the same place in the Library. As is, it keeps you on the same View Scheme, but resets it to where you started. Same goes for the tree... The Panes selections, if open, should follow Tree selections (and Tiles, if showing, should too). I can't think of a reason it's not this way, and I find it confusing to switch between the different navigation styles because of it. MC seems to just be constantly forgetting where it was.
We already have the convenient "Click here to reset" for if you drill down and get lost (and enough visual/cookie crumb cues to help you figure it out otherwise), and it's easy to just select a different item in the tree to "start again" anyway...
Is this just difficult to make happen? It seems so clunky the way it is, and it just seems like "it should work" the other way. What do others think? At the very, very least (if it's too difficult to make them "follow each other"), please keep the Panes bar there when child items are selected, and have it's functions accessible (lacking the Thumnail slider stinks for browsing pictures).