Many of those of us with 4x3 aspect ratio monitors would probably still prefer the file list to live below the tiles list. It also then wouldn't match the behavior of many of MC's other views (such as Playing Now -- the file list is
below the visualization/display window).
Also, you really shouldn't mess with the scroll wheel. That wouldn't match the behavior of any other windows application, and would REALLY mess with those people who have 2-axis scroll wheels. Plus, how would you scroll down a long list of files?
1. People with squarer desktops wouldnt notice any difference in the space used. The same number of thumbnails and tiles would still be visible. They wont have lost anything.
Actually, no. You'd be able to display
more files at once, but you wouldn't be able to see any of their details (assuming you had the file listing in details mode as I always do). To me, the details are far more important than the number on screen at once. Scrolling and paging up/down is easy, side-to-side is not.
That said, I wouldn't mind if there were an option to display them side-by-side instead. I'm personally not a big fan of the 3-column view motif at all, but to each their own!