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Author Topic: Handheld cache in build 91  (Read 5339 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Handheld cache in build 91
« on: October 12, 2006, 05:23:02 pm »

There are now converted file cache options in the handheld options page.

This simply lets you select a directory to save the files that are converted to a new format (if any) during a transfer to a handheld.  Say you keep everything in Ape format the files will typically be converted to MP3 format before transfer to a handheld.  Those MP3 files are the ones we are saving.  The upshot of this is that once the file is in the cache we will not need to convert it the next time it is to be transferred.

Of course if you change your transfer encoding options you'll have to delete the cache.

Everything about the behavior of this feature may be subject to extreme change in the future.

To set the handheld cache go to Options->Handheld->Handheld Conversion Cache.

Select the cache type to Custom Direcotry

Enter a directory for the cache in Location.  (Should be and existing directory.  And one that can be deleted.)

That should be it.

If there is any oddness just turn it off


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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 07:09:27 am »

sync in progress, I'm off to bed. In the meantime...

what's the number in the filename for?
what's the number in the comment field for?

might be tidier if it used at least artist/album directories...
or perhaps we should stay well away from the cache and just leave MC to it?

If we delete a file from the library, and MC is set to remove from handheld any files not in the sync list, and a cached copy exists, will MC also clean the cache, or will it just keep on growing till space runs out?

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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2006, 08:01:42 am »

Wish list:

Specify a different directory for different handhelds, with ability to set maximum cache size for each.  Appears to be just one for all.  What happens if you use different bitrates for different devices?   For example - I might want the same file as VBR high for my high capacity device but as 128kpbs for my low capacity device. 

Ability to turn this feature off for one handheld and leave it on for another.  I want it 'on' for my iPod, but 'off' for my media connect share 'handheld'

Option to 'pre-convert' files for syncing with hand-held disconnected.  Basically have it check to see what files are not in the cache and convert them.  That way you could have the PC cranking out the converted files for your handheld while you use it elsewhere.  With todays larger and larger devices (60-80GB), it can take a long time to convert all the files - even on a fast machine.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 09:46:17 am »

There is a number in the comment field?

The number is the internal filenumber.  So that the files are unique.  Looking to add some directory rules to it.

It will go until it is out of space.

This isn't the final design.  Just throwing it out there for now.

sync in progress, I'm off to bed. In the meantime...

what's the number in the filename for?
what's the number in the comment field for?

might be tidier if it used at least artist/album directories...
or perhaps we should stay well away from the cache and just leave MC to it?

If we delete a file from the library, and MC is set to remove from handheld any files not in the sync list, and a cached copy exists, will MC also clean the cache, or will it just keep on growing till space runs out?



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 09:49:56 am »

It should only cache files it needs to.  So if the files can be dumped straight to the device they will not be cached.  I'll look into it.

Still thinking this through....

Wish list:

Specify a different directory for different handhelds, with ability to set maximum cache size for each.  Appears to be just one for all.  What happens if you use different bitrates for different devices?   For example - I might want the same file as VBR high for my high capacity device but as 128kpbs for my low capacity device. 

Ability to turn this feature off for one handheld and leave it on for another.  I want it 'on' for my iPod, but 'off' for my media connect share 'handheld'

Option to 'pre-convert' files for syncing with hand-held disconnected.  Basically have it check to see what files are not in the cache and convert them.  That way you could have the PC cranking out the converted files for your handheld while you use it elsewhere.  With todays larger and larger devices (60-80GB), it can take a long time to convert all the files - even on a fast machine.


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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2006, 04:30:29 pm »

Many, many thanks for this ... will help immensely with 60GB+ devices ... looking forward to this feature maturing and stabilizing! ...


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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2006, 05:31:32 pm »

It should only cache files it needs to.  So if the files can be dumped straight to the device they will not be cached.  I'll look into it.

Still thinking this through....

Understood about not caching all files.  It only needs to cache the files that need to be converted.  In my case, the majority of the library is in APE format.  Right now I really only have one device, but we are thinking about getting a small flash based device for activities that would be too much for a HD based device.  Given that it would be non-critical listening and space is a concern I would use CBR or VBR @ ~128kbps.

For my big device (currently 60GB) I use VBR High Fast (in MC terminology).

What would the current system do with the files?  Would it see an mp3 in the cache and just pass it along, or would it create a 'different' mp3.  The easiest way to handle this (in my mind, but I don't have to code it or try to meet everyones needs) would be to use different directories for the different devices.

I see the following options:
Main central cache option (like you have now).
Device specific cache option to override central cache option (use caching for this device, and directory to use) with the default being to just follow the central cache options.

That way most single device users could just set the main options and go.  Multi device users would have more flexibility if needed.


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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2006, 05:38:34 pm »

Never mind on the what does it currently do now question - just noticed that when you exit the conversion options it offers to clear the cache.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2006, 11:40:46 pm »

WOW - this going to be cool.  Playing with it now.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2006, 01:08:55 pm »

The next version has a rule for directory creation.  So you give it a path for the cache and then the default rule is [HHDevice]\[Artist]\[Album]

So, in my test case the directory is "c:\jrcache" and if I transfer "Lucinda Williams - Are You Down.ape" to my Zen vision it will stuff "Lucinda Williams - Are You Down.mp3" into the "C:\JRCache\Creative Zen Vision\Lucinda Williams\Live at the Fillmore" direcotory.

Remove [HHDevice] from that rule and it will put the file in "C:\JRCache\Lucinda Williams\Live at the Fillmore".

The upshot of the first rule is that it will fix the problem where you have one device where you want high quality conversions and another where you want weenier conversions.  They will be cached seperately.

Note that it still caches until you run out of disk and the clear cache clears the whole thing.  ("C:\jrcache" in my example.)

Should be in the next build.


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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2006, 01:35:38 pm »

The upshot of the first rule is that it will fix the problem where you have one device where you want high quality conversions and another where you want weenier conversions.  They will be cached seperately.

Note that it still caches until you run out of disk and the clear cache clears the whole thing.  ("C:\jrcache" in my example.)

Weenier, eh?  That's a new one for the dictionary.   ;)

It'd be really nice if this cache feature's disk usage scheme was similar to how MC handles Podcasts.  Meaning: where you can set a maximum size for the cache to take up and MC will not let it exceed that size (and automatically start deleting it when it does).  A "leave x GB free" option would be nice too.

I can just see if you have multiple handhelds and you use this, you could end up with some serious drive usage!
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  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2006, 09:31:11 pm »

Under what conditions will MC delete from the cache?

Will it delete files when the original is gone?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2006, 09:25:52 am »

Right now?  When you click the clear cache button.


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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2006, 11:22:48 am »

It would be good if it helped keep itself clean, else it will just grow forever and we import, cache and then remove tracks from MC.

If I remove an album from MC, I would think the files from the cache should be removed too.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2006, 04:14:30 pm »

Delete cache is your friend.

I have most of the code in place to let you set a size limit.  Not in todays build but soon.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Handheld cache in build 91
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2006, 07:06:34 pm »

Delete cache is your friend.

So is my 750 gig hd...

I have most of the code in place to let you set a size limit.  Not in todays build but soon.

Very nice feature, Thanks.
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