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Author Topic: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?  (Read 5228 times)


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Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« on: October 27, 2006, 04:16:02 pm »

In the tagging window, many of the fields bring up a check box list when editing.  Can we have an option to just directly edit the values instead (like we could in 11)?


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 04:55:10 pm »

In the tagging window, many of the fields bring up a check box list when editing.  Can we have an option to just directly edit the values instead (like we could in 11)?

I've been asking for this for quite a while.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 07:00:10 pm »

The check box list comes up with "list" type fields.  These are typically custom fields (I don't know how many default fields are "list" type.)  If you want to directly edit the fields instead of having the list pop up, you might want to use a different type of field for these tags (i.e. NOT a "list" field.)

The point of the check box list is that MC assumes (correctly in my opinion) that if you have a "list" field, you'll most likely want to choose from the "list" of items that you set up.



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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2006, 08:04:57 pm »

Sometimes it's easier to just type in "Rock" than to take my hand off the keyboard, get the mouse, find "Rock" in the list, click it, close the tick box, and then click in the next tag field to give it focus and then put my hand back on the keyboard.

My suggestion is to start out with a text box field with a ... button next to it to bring up the tick box.  Yes it will involve one more click to get the tick box to come up, but your hand will need to be on the mouse anyway to use the tickbox, so what is one more mouse click?

And those of use that find it easier to just type our value(s) in, we get to do it without any required mouse usage.

I really think my idea is the best of BOTH worlds.



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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2006, 08:30:26 pm »

SlipKnot's solution would be ideal for me as well. I do love the list, but in some situations it would be nice to type.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2006, 08:31:25 pm »

The check box list comes up with "list" type fields.  These are typically custom fields (I don't know how many default fields are "list" type.)  If you want to directly edit the fields instead of having the list pop up, you might want to use a different type of field for these tags (i.e. NOT a "list" field.)

The point of the check box list is that MC assumes (correctly in my opinion) that if you have a "list" field, you'll most likely want to choose from the "list" of items that you set up.


Well in one specific case the 'list' is for a custom tag called 'Artists'.  This contains a delimited list of all artists in the track (so if the track is by 'Willy Nelson (with Merle Haggard)' the Artists tag contains 'Willie Nelson; Merle Haggard'.  I frequently use that tag in place of Artist so I can find the song under either person.  This isn't a 'fixed' list of items, but a dynamic list that contains potentially hundreds of entries.  Having to hunt for them in the tag window (as opposed to just typing them in) is a huge issue in this use case.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2006, 11:36:42 pm »

Maybe what we really need is two different list field types -- "fixed" and "dynamic."  In the "list type" fields that I've used, I define the possible values when I create the field, so the issue you're describing doesn't apply to the way I'm using the field.



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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2006, 02:58:49 am »

this is one of the reasons I asked:
1. Music with no coverart. We can see from the little thumbnail in the top left of the tag window that there's no art. I instinctively right click on the thumbnail expecting the familiar context menu with 'add from file' get from internet' etc. etc. to pop up, but it doesn't. I get the tag list instead. To get at the coverart context menu, I have to first click on the image to open the full image window, then I can right click and have access to those options. Could this menu also be available from a right click on the little thumb please?

2. When tagging generally, clicking to tag using a 'list type' field loads a new window containing a list of tagging options. Over time, I'm finding that looking for the [X] to close this window and get back to the tag list is tiresome. Could [back] not be made to do the same thing?

not 'inline' editing, but it would certainly help smooth the whole process, don't you think?

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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2006, 03:07:12 am »

1. Music with no coverart. We can see from the little thumbnail in the top left of the tag window that there's no art. I instinctively right click on the thumbnail expecting the familiar context menu with 'add from file' get from internet' etc. etc. to pop up, but it doesn't. I get the tag list instead. To get at the coverart context menu, I have to first click on the image to open the full image window, then I can right click and have access to those options. Could this menu also be available from a right click on the little thumb please?

2. When tagging generally, clicking to tag using a 'list type' field loads a new window containing a list of tagging options. Over time, I'm finding that looking for the [X] to close this window and get back to the tag list is tiresome. Could [back] not be made to do the same thing?

I think these are both good points/ideas.



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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2006, 12:00:27 pm »

Well in one specific case the 'list' is for a custom tag called 'Artists'.  This contains a delimited list of all artists in the track (so if the track is by 'Willy Nelson (with Merle Haggard)' the Artists tag contains 'Willie Nelson; Merle Haggard'.  I frequently use that tag in place of Artist so I can find the song under either person.  This isn't a 'fixed' list of items, but a dynamic list that contains potentially hundreds of entries.  Having to hunt for them in the tag window (as opposed to just typing them in) is a huge issue in this use case.

I have the same situation, one of my lists has hundreds of entries, and it's just easier to type it in...

The cool thing about my suggestion is that if implemented, both mouse and keyboard users get what they want.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2006, 09:04:16 am »

I just discovered this new behaviour of MC12. It is clearly a point which prevent me to upgrade to MC12. I have the practice to copy and past All Music Guide styles in a custom list field 'style'. I can't imagine to have to scroll a long list to set a few styles.

I need to use a list field  (and not just a string field) as I set a viewing sheme which include style field so I can view the albums in each style they have (sorry for my poor english).


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2006, 04:46:36 pm »

Sorry guys, I have never used tagging mode and I simply have to ask someone to clarify all this.

Was there a way to directly edit any & all fields like an Excel spreadsheet in MC11?

Is tagging mode just another way to....hmmm okay I just played with it a bit. So you can select fields (I tried some songs from the bottom file list) and eabling tag mode highlights their current tag fields like Genre and allows us to quickly re-tag them by selecting (checking) new fields. LOL, I guess I should read the FAQ someday. Still ensure what exactly the change was from 11 to 12 though.




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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2006, 05:09:08 pm »

it is less dificult then i thought.
click on add new tag and type there for instance test1;test2;test3

click ok.
first you get the entry as one sentence. but after closing the tag list window the three entrys get their own place. just like before but with one mouse click more


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #13 on: October 30, 2006, 07:44:21 am »

I also use Artists and Styles but I really like the checkbox list. It's so much better to select one that you used before without ending up with something that is close to being a duplicate. I'm already cleaning up my Genres and there were for example Rock/Pop and  Pop/Rock, when it's the same thing but not exactly a duplicate. The checkbox list prevents this.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #14 on: October 30, 2006, 09:24:51 am »

There are different needs. For 'genre' I agree with you (even it is very easy to detect and clean up wrong typped genre fields). For hundred styles (according to AMG) it is not possible to use it this way (and even for a few styles it is much more easy to copy and paste AMG styles that to scroll a long list).

Moreover, how I can copy and paste the styles of a track to another track ?

I like MC and I ever upgraded it but this point is a definitive upgrade stopper (I am not sure it is the right expression  ?).


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2006, 10:06:42 am »

I also use the AMG Styles but limit myself to maybe 3 for each artist. I didn't count how many styles I'm currently using but I guess it doesn't bother me to scroll and check the ones that are for that particular artist.

There must be an easier way to copy and paste the styles. It would be nice if the Move/Copy worked between songs but I found somewhat of a workaround. I added an Unknown style to songs that didn't have any styles yet. For the ones I knew what I wanted the styles to be, I selected those and then went to the Library Tools/Find and Replace, clicked only Styles, then replaced Unknown with the semi-colon delimited list of styles I wanted to apply.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2006, 11:39:33 am »

but I found somewhat of a workaround. I added an Unknown style to songs that didn't have any styles yet. For the ones I knew what I wanted the styles to be, I selected those and then went to the Library Tools/Find and Replace, clicked only Styles, then replaced Unknown with the semi-colon delimited list of styles I wanted to apply.
I have to admit that it is a way to do the job but it would be a pity to have to use such a painful workaround with the best media player on the planet  :(

Two Wire

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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #17 on: October 30, 2006, 09:56:41 pm »

I would like to have the Bios, and Comment fields highlighted automacically when you click on the check box. This would save me from having to highlight the text before I did a copy/paste routine. I don't why it was removed in ver. 12, but it would be nice if was back.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2006, 08:15:04 am »

I have to admit that it is a way to do the job but it would be a pity to have to use such a painful workaround with the best media player on the planet  :(

OK, then how about this one which I have to admit is a lot easier. Add Styles to your current view. It should show as the semi-colon delimited list if there is more than one. Highlight the songs you want to copy the Styles to by clicking on the Styles field of those songs, then press F2, Ctrl+C, Esc. Now go highlight the other songs you want to copy the Style to by click in the Styles field, press F2 then Ctrl+V.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2006, 10:17:04 am »

Highlight the songs you want to copy the Styles to by clicking on the Styles field of those songs, then press F2, Ctrl+C, Esc. Now go highlight the other songs you want to copy the Style to by click in the Styles field, press F2 then Ctrl+V.

Ok for the copy part of the operation. But my problem is to past the source styles to many tracks (in a single operation, of course).

No problem with MC11, impossible with MC12 ?


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #20 on: October 31, 2006, 10:26:47 am »

But my problem is to past the source styles to many tracks (in a single operation, of course).

You can in-place edit many tracks at once.

This provides full Excel-style editing of list style fields.

Select mutliple files, and press F2.  This has worked in all versions of MC.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #21 on: October 31, 2006, 10:36:29 am »

I posted about the CD dialogue recently, Matt, because I thought it had the function, Return>tabs down to next field and leaves it open for editing. It does not. I think what I and others are asking about is a toggle to allow a user to simply edit without F2 (or right click rename). Honestly, F2 slows me down a lot, especially when filling tags from info contained in a .txt file open in another window. Especially when editing a cd of various artists, for example, it would be intuitive for the Return key to act as Tab or move to the next field directly below
while leaving open for edit. Having to constantly key the down arrow is really annoying for lack of a better term; I am a decent typer but this just seems to destroy my workflow (so maybe I am not so good at data entry  ;D).

I do a lot of tag editing in MC, and i think it could be made much more efficient, especially for the advanced user who is not afraid to toggle such a setting on or off.

If MC could be set to a Excel spreadsheet mode (just a single click to edit a field), the user could move fast both within MC and between MC and other windows' info e.g. Internet browsers, spreadsheets, & documents.



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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2006, 10:50:04 am »

You can in-place edit many tracks at once.

This provides full Excel-style editing of list style fields.

Select mutliple files, and press F2.  This has worked in all versions of MC.

This way is ok for me ! Thanks for the answer, Matt.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2006, 12:18:47 pm »

Now go highlight the other songs you want to copy the Style to by click in the Styles field, press F2 then Ctrl+V.

Sorry I wasn't clear enough.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #24 on: October 31, 2006, 03:36:55 pm »

Sorry I wasn't clear enough.
No, your post was clear but I read it too quickly  :-[.
Thanks for the help.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2006, 01:25:41 am »

I just imported some images and I discovered that F2 solution to edit list field (semi column delimited) is inadapted for image tagging.

I use 'place' as a list field this way: "5th avenue;new york;usa" for example, so I can have a view scheme showing me all new york images or all usa images.

To tag images you need to see the image so you need to set thumbnail view mode. In this mode you cannot edit field so you have to select the images you want to set a particular place, then switch to detail view mode, then edit the fiel using F2, then switch again to thumbnail view mode, then select others images to tag another field, etc...

A lot easier with MC11...

In fact, it seems to me that there are two different needs:

- a mandatory list field (no possibility to add new value when editing) MC12 behaviour

- a extensible list field (possibility to add new value editing) MC11 behaviour


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2006, 03:12:18 am »

After tagging a lot of photos over the weekend (people: a list field) I think I have found a potentially workable solution. It shouldn't be too hard to implement and would please both parties: those who like to type and those who like to click.

When in the tagging AW, and a list window is opened up, we can type the first few letters and the list will automatically focus to the relevant selection in the list (provided there are already files in the library with that list entry, of course). Current behaviour means we have to take our hands away from the keyboard to click the checkbox.

What I suggest is that it is made possible to tick a checkbox with the "Enter" key on the keyboard. Here is an example: I want to tag the people field with Fred, Sally and John.

I type in Fred (or even the first few letters, the list should already display Fred)
I press enter
I type Sally
I press enter
I type John
I press enter

This whole exercise could be done without using the mouse (apart from the mandatory click to get into the list edit window), but I could still use the mouse if I wanted to!

It combines the functionality of autofill (which we have in non-list fields: MC automatically displays an output based on the first few letters) with the whole list display idea (which I do like, it's just a bit unusable when you get to about 400 people in the database!)

I suggest you try tagging a few files with list fields just to see how natural this would feel ~ and best of all, it doesn't require a change of interface.

Bottom Line: Please allow us to check list items with the enter key!


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2006, 07:50:21 am »

Good idea.

Anyway, whatever the solution, to be able to type into a semi-column field type is a real need that MC11 fullfill but MC12 doesn't.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2006, 08:30:44 am »

Bottom Line: Please allow us to check list items with the enter key!

The usual standard editing key in Windows to select a checkbox with the keyboard is the spacebar, but that doesn't work either.


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Re: Tag editing - how to just key in the edit?
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2006, 08:35:17 pm »

The usual standard editing key in Windows to select a checkbox with the keyboard is the spacebar, but that doesn't work either.

Yes, I thought about that, but if the list entry has a space in it (eg John Smith) then that would make things messy...
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