Howdy all,
I have a ton of photos (over 15,000) from over the last ten years or so.
None of them are tagged and they're all simly organised in a single folder with sub dir's using:
+- 1997 - 08 (August) - Trip to Hawaii
+- 1998 - 01 (January) - Snowboarding trip
+- etc
I now want to go through them all and choose my favourite ones as I am going to make a collage out of them and have it professionally printed as a painting for my wall.
My question is though, with that many photos I want a VERY easy and fast way to go through and choose my favourites.
Two mouse clicks for instances is far too much and too slow, I need to be able to 'page down' to the next image and press a button or button combo instantly if I like it and then 'page down' to the next one.
ACDSee has the 'bucket' which lets you add images to it and I can page through all my images and instantly keep any I want by clicking 'ctrl+b' and then moving straight onto the next.
As well as this ACDSee pre-decodes the next image so that when I click now it displays it instantly and I dont have to wait for it to decode it which means you really can flick through them nearly instantly.
My question is, does MC have any way I could instantly say 'yes' type thing to any photo's I want if I want to keep them and also, how fast is it at flicking through a large number of photos one after the other with less than a seconds gap inbetween each one?