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Author Topic: Anyone Heard of Streaming to seperate USB Zones?  (Read 1488 times)


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Anyone Heard of Streaming to seperate USB Zones?
« on: November 25, 2006, 03:19:12 pm »

Guys,  I'm a bit of an sound snob regarding the quality of my digital music so I don't use MP3 or sound cards.  Instead I have my entire CD collection ripped to full WAV files.  I do NOT play these through a sound card, but rather, I use a high-end / external USB DAC which then feeds an audiophile grade analog signal to my receiver.

What I would like to do is use a wireless tablet (Fujitsu or one of the new UMPC tablets) to remotely view, browse and stream music from my server.  I want these streams to be fed to seperate USB DAC devices.  So effectively I somehow need to configure MC to reconigze and feed each of these external USB devices seperately.

Does anyone here know how to do this and/or know how this could be done?



Baron Samedi

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Re: Anyone Heard of Streaming to seperate USB Zones?
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2006, 01:47:00 pm »

I'm using an USB DAC too. I have defined a dedicated zone in JRiver for my USB Dac. It's on the Player menu, go to the option Playback options, and get the Zone manager. Create a new zone, and select Configure... and then Output Settings, with your DAC on. In the device drop down list, you should find an USB Audio DAC entry; select it to use it. I don't know how different USB Dac-s are handled altough. May be you can create different zones for each of your DAC. BTW if you only want your sound streamed to the USB Dac, you don't have to create a new zone, just change the output settings of the default one.
A last point, if you have installed ASIO drivers, check the ASIO option in the device list rather than USB.
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