The link is to a posting on the AVS Forum by a MC user who also is using Sonos. Interestingly, this guy seems not to use his MC playlists when streaming music to his Sonos devices. I find this odd; I always assumed that everyone uses MC like I do, which is to create many different playlists and listen to whatever MC sends forth like a radio station. I guess there's still folks who choose whole albums to play.
Yes, its very easy to create playlists in MC, but then how to manage them ?
The only workable way is to use the tree. Well what happens when you have lots of playlists, you are scrolling up & down and not really finding anything quickly.
Why not instead, use a viewscheme with panes ?
Then you can use the search bar to make queries we take for granted in any other viewscheme.
Turns out its possible to create a viewscheme of the playlist group but MC takes longer... a lot longer to display the result.
But if it were albums (instead of playlists) then MC is a lot faster.
Why is it that an album view scheme will display the contents of 200 albums faster...a lot faster than one of as many playlists !!
I tried using 200 imported playlists and that's what i found.
To me an album is a list of tracks and so is a playlist. In the above example the playlists were just a list of album tracks.
I think if this can be solved, then playlist management will become a lot more powerful.