Beers don't want your pity. Not all God's creatures are destined to live 70,80,90 years, and certainly beers and bungie jumpers belong in this group.
As for your other point, cover art doesn't know when to shut up. Mine doesn't laugh, but it's yacking all day and all night. The best solution I found is to wear headphones and keep a constant soundtrack going from MC. Hendrix, Clapton, these guys know how to put cover art in its place.
Oh yeah, and just out of curiotsity, do you have "Store images in tags also" selected under tools/options/file location/track images location? And at the same time, do you have "Update for external changes" selected under "library folders/auto-import folders/options? I think this or something like it or else too much beer already may be causing this looping or loopiness.