IntroductionThis is the 2nd Release for the intention skin.
There are now two versions.
One with a stop button, and one without. Both are included
in the Rar file. For complex reasons, they cannot currently be merged due to the way
the skin is designed, and how the skinning engine works.
Hope you enjoy it. It's 100% free =)
I'm no graphic designer, and this is my first ever skin, or graphics project really,
but it's taken me the over a year to get this far so please let me know your thoughts!

Next release hopefully will be non beta.
ScreenshotFull Screenshot available
hereFull Screenshot With Stop Button available
here (White water rafting is awesome!)
Things you'll need.x Media Center 12.
Media Center 11 doesn't quite work right with it.
Download from...The skins can be downloaded from:
without a stop buttonor
with a stop buttonThanks to Marko's Hosting!
You'll need to extract it and drop it into your Media Center Megaskins folder.
Skin Dated 08/02/2007
Things I know need sorting.x. Lots of polishing is still needed here there and everywhere, many out by 1 pixel problems.
x. Especially Tabs need sorting out.
x. The Burn CD has black on black text (Keep Poking JRiver, I can't do anything about this ;-)
x. Possibly it needs an action window back button, but I haven't found a way to get one to pop up recently... let me know.
The futureOver the next few weeks i will continue to polish it and take in peoples comments
before releasing the release version.
If you think you can do a much better job of a particular graphic, feel free to post a copy!
HistoryIf you're really bored you can see screenshots of this skin in creation, from it's beginning
as a modification of the thunderstorm skin to it's current state
hereAdditional Notes:Intention Skin was developed on my Sony 17" CRT. It's got very good contrast between shades of grey, I've noticed on some flat planels this doesn't show up so well, I may try and tailer a version specifically for these panels in the future, but not much I can do until I've got one myself.
All Graphics are Copyright, please don't use them except for personal use without prior consent, this includes porting them
Modifications for personal use are fine, please feel free to upload modificiations here, but please always keep a link
back to the original skin here.
AcknowledgmentsCorel and Adobe for creating such awesome products.
Marko for some helpful advice here and there.
JRiver for such a cool skinning engine, and the free copy of MC12 for my lil projects!