We don't recommend increasing that buffering value any more than necessary. [...]
I know. You told me quiet a few times
[...] 0.1 to 0.5 seconds should be about right for a modern computer. [...]
Ah, again you call the "modern computer". So, is my computer a modern one?
(1,8 Pentium IV, 768 MB SDRAM, NVIDIA Geforce 3 Ti 200, Onboard CMI3738 Sound)If you use much larger values, some effects (like fade on stop with internal volume) may not work as well.
Hm, and it is no bug...?
[...] It [that buffering] is not the same as MC's primary buffer, which adapts automatically based on the stream speed. [...]
I know! I read about here at Interact a time ago. And I just did a quick test. I reduced buffering (via playback options) to minimum. MC was badly skipping a start up. I increased the primary buffer (via Registry): no change. BAD skipping when playback starts right after starting MC (or other Programs using much CPU).
So I set primary buffer back to standard value (via registry) and increased buffering (via Playback Options): I could do what ever I want to. Nothing made MC skip. But I’m not able to stop with fade out etc.
So, Matt excuse me, but even if the small 0.1 to 0.5 sec. Buffer is enough for a so called “modern computer” there ARE reasons to increase the buffer length (via Playback Options) as I mentioned here
BTW: Is the buffer controlled by MC (and via registry) called “primary” as you said right here, or is it the “secondary” as it is called in registry. Just a mistake or are we talking about different things? Just confused ?