Thanks for the plugin.
In my first tests I used it the following way:
I created a new library field called 'Reference Artist'.
Only for 1 file per Artist I set the content of this field to 'yes'.
Then I created a smartlist to filter all these 'reference files'. This is my source files playlist.
After that I created a smartlist that contains all the files of my library. This is my target files playlist. This playlist is very large, so it takes a long time to fill the target files playlist in the plugin. Maybe I can find a better way to filter the target playlist. It should only contain files of artists that occur in the source files playlist. It's not a real problem because the plugin detects the Orphans. For my tests I changed it from a smartlist to a playlist and included only a few test files.
Ok, now I changed the Plugin-settings:
Source Files Playlist: my smartlist # 1
Target Files Playlist: my smartlist # 2
Fields - Copy: Bios
Fields - Keys: Artist
Fields - Source: Artist, Bios
Fields - Target: Artist, Bios
Fields - Preview: Artist, Album, Name, Bios
Question: Are the Source/Target/Preview selections only for the display? They don't effect the result, right?
After pressing 'Fill Source/Target' the first time the Plugin filled the grids and wrote an error-message into the bottom right area.
But only the first few characters of this message were readable: 'You have U ....'
After that I changed the settings and checked 'Allow <Preview> and <Apply> to Ignore Orphans'.
Ok, this was the problem. The 'Preview Changes' button got active now. I pressed it.
The preview marked all the affected files. This gave me the ability to check if everything will run the way I want it. Very powerful

Pressed 'Clone All'. And the Plugin did exactly what I expected it to do.
After leaving it MC began to update the tag-informations.
What I will do next:
Create a new library field called 'Reference Album' and use it the same way.
And find a way to filter the target-playlist to get a better performance.
Question to all the MC Expression-Gurus out there:
Do you know a way to build a smartlist that only contains files from artists that occur in another smartlist ?
Suggestions for the Plugin:
As there can be different ways of using the Plugin, I think it would be great if we could save different settings, some kind of 'Sets'.
In my example I would have 2 Sets:
A Set for tagging all the Artist fields with Source Files Playlist 'REF Artist' and Key 'Artist' and Copy 'Bios,Bornformed,Dieddisbanded,....'
A Set for tagging all the Album fields with Source Files Playlist 'REF Album' and Key 'Artist,Album' and Copy 'Album review,Styles,Tones,....'
Ok, that's it so far. I will do some more tests now.
Thanks again for this Plugin.