Hi there!
First of all: Kudos to the DEV People! I have an MC10 License and not been using it recently because I found it too slow. I am evaluating MC12 since a few days and am astonished by the speed-ups! Great job! Applause! Applause!
I have tried out syncing my Ipod Photo (60GB - 9830/SAZ), which works fine, BUT:
When I rate a song on the ipod the rating will not be synced back to MC12.
Ratings MC12 --> IPOD work fine.
When I open the IPOD from "Drives & Devices" and browse the library on the Ipod
- ratings done on the IPOD are not shown and will not be synced
- album art is not shown as a miniature (where the note-symbol resides)
- last played, last skipped, number plays and skip count are also empty and won't be synced I guess.
When I manually set a rating on the IPOD from "Drives & Devices", the change won't be written to the ipod.
Are those bugs or is there no functionality for this?
Bye and Thanks!