How do I dupe check for images in my archives ... when there are SLIGHT variations in the filesize of the images (due to MC adding/removing tag fields over the years). The dimensions, name, filetype, and date are all the same, but the filesize is different.
Problem is ... I have many files that are NOT dupes that have the same Dimensions, Name, Type and Date ... Dimesions are standard for certain cameras, names arent unique depending on how the person imported the files (some are just 01.jpg, 02.jpg, etc), all are JPGs, and some have the same DATE as the date was assigned by the import utility or there is no date on the file so the 1/1/1980 date is used. The only discriminator left if FileSize and has worked wonders, but there are too many tags now and there SLIGHT variations in file size due to new tags causes the dup-check to not find these.
Is there a way to "round" the filesize using a calculated field and then use that to dupe check on ?