Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. When I listen to music, I like to listen to the entire album to hear tracks in the context the artist intended (at least the good ones). I'd like to create a Smartlist filter, by Genre, for transferring whole albums to my iPod - based on the average track rating level. Since I only rip whole albums, I'd like to be able to specify two variables (percentage of tracks rated, and average track rating of those tracks rated) in my query, that I could go in and modify from time-to-time.
To clarify, I've created the following example:
find all jazz albums with more than 80% of the tracks rated, where the average rating on rated tracks is greater than 3.4 - then give me all the tracks in those albums.
After the query is working, I might like to refine it to only give me full albums where 90% or more of the tracks are rated, and the average rating is greater than 4.1. You get the picture.
How might I accomplish this task using MC12? And yes, I did search, but couldn't find anything that answered what I wanted to know.