You on .164? Don't know what to tell you. It's absolutely broken for me.
The IR learned key codes for Play and Pause are absolutely different. However, they both perform the same (toggle mode). Pause should keep the playlist paused no matter how many times it's hit. It should not start the playlist up again.
Yes on 164 and it still work for me. When I saw your post this morning, I immediately tested it. And yes, this command will pause if playing and do nothing if MC is not playing.
This is a CRITICAL command for my home automation system.
/MCC 10022,1
This is the MC12.exe command that works for me and I've been using all along.
I use some unused IR codes programmed into my learning remotes to trigger Girder to execute
MC12.exe /MCC 10022,1
which is a discrete pause for me. You describe IR learned key codes, don't you have to use MC12.exe and girder to make it work for you?
Good luck, it's so frustrating when something is wrong and others don't have the same issue (been there, done that...)