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Author Topic: YADB plugin idea  (Read 1358 times)


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YADB plugin idea
« on: March 22, 2007, 10:57:01 pm »

Just a thought on improving YADB. I'm thinking there may well be many entries in my ML that YADB doesn't have but there's no way for me to find out without manually submitting everything. I'm not sure what submitting 100,000+ tracks would do to my CPU, your db, or the pipes in between.

I'm thinking it might be nice to have a plugin working in the background, on a low priority basis, trying to find matches between a user's db and YADB. Not to change the user's tags but to ask, if no matching entries were found in YADB, if the user would like to submit the info to YADB. Cover art lookups could also be done.

Perhaps the plugin could create a playlist with these entries that you could go over and submit at your leisure. Or it could work while importing files or tagging and prompt you to send in the stuff YADB doesn't have.

I can also see a reminder of sorts built in. You look up art or tag info from YADB and don't find anything. You fill in the missing info and the plugin then asks you be nice and share that info with others.

John Gateley

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Re: YADB plugin idea
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 12:33:11 pm »

Hi jkrzok,

Thanks for the ideas. I'm working on something like this. YADB is the most valuable when it requires the least user action.

Submitting 100,000 tracks would probably tie up your CPU quite a bit. It wouldn't use a lot of bandwidth (maybe 500 bytes
per track, hardly any), but it would be a load on our server if everyone did this at once.

For now, maybe choose a few albums before leaving and let it grind...


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