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Author Topic: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?  (Read 9868 times)


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CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« on: March 25, 2007, 06:58:51 pm »

Just reorganizing things... and this doesn't seem to be an option... or I'm doing it wrong.

Is there a way to "Rename Files from Properties" when it's a FLAC/CUE or such? or just move and rename it manually?


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2007, 01:19:57 am »

Help, please?

 Single large FLAC and CUE for an album.

 How to rename & refile?


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2007, 08:45:25 am »

Cue files are not particularly well supported.  It partially depends on which format you are encoding to.

They are generally imported only and then forgotten.  You can certainly change the information in the database but you cannot then write it out to the cue file.

Tracks inside cue's are identified with a semi-colon and the track entry at the end of the file name.  For example,  "thecuefilename;1" refers to track 1 within the cue file.

I've tried for the flac plugins, to account for cue file names and will append tags with the track number when appropriate (e.g. Name[1] = Whatever, Name[2]=Another Name, etc.).  As for flac's internal cue file handling, refer to


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2007, 09:52:18 am »

I don't believe there is way to rename files from properties from cue entries regardless of the format.

You will have to find the filename, presuambly the big FLAC file, then look for Filename (Name) field in the action window or if you have added as a column in your viewschemes, you can edit it directly there.

Now the cue items will still be pointing to the older name. If you look at the status bar, MC will say File not found, ignore it. You will have to do a Find & Replace on the cue item filenames. Select all cue item filenames, for find enter old filename & replace with the new filename.

Again it helps matters a lot if you have field Filename (name) added to the viewscheme used for editing, im my case it is Playing Now.

There is one *gotcha* to this cue thing, pay attention to the cue item file names when you do any renaming operatoins, if all went well it wil say


where cue_item is the same as the *new* filename you have given for the big FLAC file.

at no time should it say

If this happens then you have a cache filename collision, that means MC has got confused because you are giving an item more than one filename. Immediately do a Undo or Ctrl+z, restart MC and repeat the cue item rename operation. Restarting MC clears the cache and the rename should then take.

Another tip to avoid this (1) stuff from happening is, to avoid doing a Locate inside Media center before renaming.


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2007, 11:12:56 am »

Thank you for the responses.

So... alternative approach: just split the FLAC or APE into individual components and deal with the timing changes and let tags work the way they're supposed to?  ;)

BTW, MC folks: I know it's a big change from a tag, but it sure would be cool if MC could do the CUE re-aiming as well as the fancy tag and database manipulation.  ;D


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2007, 12:09:57 am »

So... alternative approach: just split the FLAC or APE into individual components and deal with the timing changes and let tags work the way they're supposed to?  ;)

Err, yeah, basically  ::)

BTW, MC folks: I know it's a big change from a tag, but it sure would be cool if MC could do the CUE re-aiming as well as the fancy tag and database manipulation.  ;D

Problem there is that a lot of the tagging is handled through the decoder plugins, which would all need to be updated and written to handle the cue file.  I've tried to incorporate some features into the flac plugins, but as I don't regularly use cue's, some testing is probably still in order.


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2007, 12:22:44 am »

I don't doubt that it's a very significant change: from tags inside the coded file to manipulating an external text file; I just think it'd be really nice if it did it.  ;)

Thanks for listening.  ;D


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2007, 09:58:24 am »

How many CUE files are we talking about here ?


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2007, 05:21:26 pm »

Thus far, very few. I'd tried ripping my CDs to a big single wave file with APE/CUE (months ago... a year?) and now FLAC/CUE to be able to retain the full, original timing as well as be able to treat them like individual tracks AND act as an "album".

It seems that the support for this has improved greatly on the playback side, but nothing much has changed WRT making changes to the CUEs: it's still something I'd have to manually edit.

No big, really. I can split the few that I've done this way to separate FLACs and go back to per-track, per-file, tag-based.

Dunno if I'm the only one, but I keep a full lossless version of my music on my NAS units (four copies on three NAS units, actually) and they play straight to the preamp from a LAN-attached PC running MC. The fall-back is SliMP3 if the PCs are all dead.  ::) Beyond that, I keep one or more copies in MP3 mode for streaming or portable players. Ideally, I'd like that big lossless library to be as close to the original CDs as possible, hence the ideal of single-wave with CUE.

Still seems like it'd be a great setup.


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2007, 12:00:49 pm »

Thought I'd report back that I am just splitting the FLACs in case anyone find this and wonders where it went. I look forward to MC being able to adapt to CUE files as well as it does to tags.


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2007, 12:50:23 pm »

Do you mean MC directly editing back to cue files ?

I wanted this initially but have since lost the need for it.

There is one CUE improvent i would like to see and thats being able to move folders and have the cue items follow suit.

CUE was introduced 3 yrs ago, there has not been much development on it since.


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Re: CUE - Rename Files from Properties with CUE / FLAC/APE?
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2007, 02:37:06 pm »

Yes, MC editing CUE files the way it does tags is exactly what I'd like to see.

That would mean modifying and / or moving them as appropriate as well.

Maybe some day.  ;)
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