thread ressurection time...
A month or so ago, I tried out Vista for real on my newly built system. No more hiding out in virtual pc land...
It was a nightmare. Everything took way too long to figure out. I had to resort to searching the web for a few hours to discover where on earth Creative had hidden the "enable digital I/O" setting in their driver. .ini files were being saved in a "virtual store" folder, so upon reboot, programs that needed them couldn't find them and old versions that still existed in their program files folders were being used instead...
It seemed that with almost every second mouse click that "A program needs your permission" dialogue was popping up...
still haven't got their act together with a Vista compatible firewall solution (their security suite (haha) has just entered public beta testing)...
I still remember moving from windows 98se to XP on a PIII 677MHz, 512 MB of RAM and a TNT2 32MB graphics card and the difference was just "WOW" from the first boot. I could not believe that simply changing the OS could produce such a dramatic improvement. It was like I'd got a whole new PC. It didn't crash (well, at least not after nVidia and VIA sorted out the infinite loop BSOD problem) and everything was just sooo much more responsive. All the win2k purists at the time were extremely dismissive of what was just win2k with eye candy, but I was hooked. All in all, my first foray into the Vista OS was a thoroughly horrible experience that had me diving for my XP system image file within 7 days.
I'm back on Vista as of this weekend and the first thing I did was to disable UAC and so far, the ride has been a whole lot smoother, and I would seem to have gotten the better of my 'overscan' problem on our luverly new Bravia TV, which is nice. Very nice
As I see no benefit to having UAC turned on, and bucketloads of peace (ignorant or otherwise) by having it turned off, turned off it shall remain. I got this far without it, I never found myself in a situation where I wished the OS had stepped in and prevented
that from happening, so, good theory but piss-poor implementation, there aren't even any training options for the thing, for software or the end-user...