I've been a long time user of MC10, but over the past year or so, most of my audio listening time has been taken up with Podcasts. Nothing too extreme here, just been using iTunes. Unfortunately, iTunes has a terrible user interface for playing media files, so I thought I'd pop back to JRiver and see what's new. Was happy to see Podcast support, and liked the look of the functionality in the trial, so I purchased it.
Unfortunately, MC12 seems to have one major limitation that annoyed me greatly with iTunes...
Here's an example:
I've already subscribed to, and got all episodes for numerous feeds through iTunes. I've now begun subscribing to those same feeds in MC12 (version 12.0.198). What I want to be able to do, is select an individual episode in the feed, and tell it where the file can be found on disk, so it shows as being On Disk. My first attempt was Locate -> On Disk (External), but that doesn't work, because the filename is still the URL of the individual episode. My second attempt has been to edit the tags, and replace the filename with the actual file name and path where the corresponding file actually is. That bit worked, and I can now play the file just by double clicking on it. However, it still displays as 'Download', and I really want to be able to set it to 'On Disk'.
This was a major annoyance for me with iTunes, when I had all the podcasts in a different location, then moved things around, cleared the iTunes library, then wanted to 're-link' the downloaded podcasts up to the matching feed episode so everything would continue as normal.
Any tips?