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Author Topic: Karaoke and a DVD Plugin?  (Read 1226 times)


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Karaoke and a DVD Plugin?
« on: April 07, 2007, 04:47:48 pm »

BE a cool feature.
to be able to play cdg files for those of us that have a library of karaoke discs. they could make a playlist put them all in there. and run your karaokee music from medicenter.
Just a thought\wish.

Another if i may add. Would be a plugin for hometheater devices. Example I have tons of dvd's and own 2 HIGH END sony 777ES 400 disc changers which are connected to my computer via rs232. and i use a program called cinemar for my interface to view all my movies on the changers then i can select the DVD thumbnail on computer and it sends a command to appopriate changer and that changer moves to that disc location and it plays. A Super cool feature of cinemars that they offer for there dvd's (you can see it in pic on left side it's called overview) when you click on overview. it gives you all the information of the dvd you would like to watch... the actors, directors, what the movie is about\plot, other movie suggestions. and that all shows up where the large 10th kingdom dvd cover is. then once your done reading overview you can go back to thumbnails \view all movies\or genres etc..

Reason i suggest this. is well mediacenter is going\has been the ultimate player! be cool to incorporate some sort of plugin to able to do this for those of use that can't afford thousands of dollars to upgrade to HDD's yet for all our movies.

not to mention sucks for others who dont know my highend equipment\computer stuff to figure out 2 programs on a computer to choose what they would like to watch\listen to. (switching inputs on reciever in theater room for computer to listen to music view all my photos, then trying to switch inputs so they can watch dvd's. granted i do have remote set up with macros. but thats only reliable if the person is pointing it at the system. just be a unigue all in one fix\mediaplayer.

plus for the average user to set up cinemars software is Very difficult.(programming, must know ports on computer, commands to make things work, took me over a week just to get cinemar to recongnise jrivers playlists\music so it would show up in my interface. if ya wanted your own custom interface... tons of editing,  and I have noticed through the years for some reason wirelessly media center is perfect where as my cinemar it takes along time for it to load the thumbnails\dvdcovers on a persons wireless remote\tablet\laptop. not to mention how it locks up my media center when scrolling through large playlists and then eventually cinemar locks up. and I have to run to server and do a reboot. it's just not a stable\foolproof setup that i have.

i've included a pic of my interface i made for my cinemar products i've bought. but again if mediacenter could incorporate a plugin that would be great. And i think you could!!! Because cinemar has incoporated your plugin into there software, in cinemar i can choose all my songs\playlists, see coverarts in cinemar through jrivers mediacenter. see pics below... all those songs are in cinemars software due to a jriver plugin they incorporated. i just dont like there interface\ease of use\stability\features as well as jrivers.

first screen is the main page.i made many animated icons but the ones in the robots arms those discs are animated\spin you click on them and it will bring you to the following pages\pics i'm posting.

1. main page when they click on theater remote icon on my wireless laptop
2. cd page\jrivers songs\playlists
3. dvd page all the movies that are in my changers.

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