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Author Topic: New, so go easy...  (Read 1812 times)


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New, so go easy...
« on: April 20, 2007, 06:18:06 pm »

Yes, I have just recently come across this fine looking piece of software. I'm currently toying with the Trial and am so far loving it, specially that it handles videos and allows you to enter information for them into the Database, something that eases the pain of there not being an ID3-esque tagging system for video files. iTunes I recently found out did something similar but was displeased with that software when I realized it wouldn't play half the formats I had, so I was definitely pleased to find that Media Center plays pretty much everything I have.

There is however something I'm missing in your software. In some other forms of media players and Music Taggers, in their rename function, they have a function known as "If Statements." It would seem that yours has no such thing, though I find it highly useful and thus would love to see something like this in this great software.

What I mean is, for instance in another program I have used, you could use the mask of "$if(<album artist>,<album artist>,<artist>) - <title>" or "<artist> - $if(<track#>,<track#> - ,)<title>"

With example one, if the file had an Album Artist in the tags, then it would name it Album Artist - Title while if it only had an Artist, then it would place it as Artist - Title, and with the second it would place Artist - ## - Title if it had a Track Number bu leave out "## - " if one was not present.

Any chance of something like this being added in the future? Or maybe it's already possible and I'm just overlooking it in the help files?


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Re: New, so go easy...
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 06:44:02 pm »

And if the expression language isn't rich enough for your needs, have a look in the third party plugins for King Sparta"s "Replace Master".  I'm not aware of any rename function that isn't in there.  Careful--it's VERY powerful and still in beta.


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Re: New, so go easy...
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2007, 11:14:22 am »

What I mean is, for instance in another program I have used, you could use the mask of "$if(<album artist>,<album artist>,<artist>) - <title>"

if the file had an Album Artist in the tags, then it would name it Album Artist - Title while if it only had an Artist, then it would place it as Artist - Title, and
In a view scheme, you can add an Advanced expression column in the bottom file list. Give it a name and paste the code below as required.

Code: [Select]
if(isempty([Album Artist],0),[Artist] - [Track #] - [Name],[Album Artist] - [Name])
"<artist> - $if(<track#>,<track#> - ,)<title>"

it would place Artist - ## - Title if it had a Track Number bu leave out "## - " if one was not present.

Code: [Select]
if(isempty([Track #],1),[Artist] - [Name],[Artist] - [Track #] - [Name])


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Re: New, so go easy...
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2007, 09:57:40 am »

You can use all of the expressions to fill tags on multiple files by selecting the files and then typing the expression into the tag field prefixed with an "=" sign.  For example, if you wanted to set the name tag to be equal to something like this for TV shows:

2e09 - What Kate Did

And you had [Episode], [Season], and [Name] all properly filled, you could just type:

=[Season]e[Episode] - [Name]

Into the Name tag's field with all of the files you wanted changed selected.  This works using all of the advanced expression tools including if statements and the new Trim() statements and everything else.  It's really quite powerful for both custom "advanced" fields and for tagging huge batches of files quickly.

On caveat, be careful adding a bunch of advanced expression based fields to view schemes where it displays all of your files (or any big set).  It has to calculate those fields on the fly each time the list is displayed, and for big lists with complicated expressions, it can get fairly slow.  If your view scheme is taking a long time to "populate" the likely culprit is an expression either displayed as a column or (worse) as a selection "Pane".  They work, but be "stingy" with them a little bit.

Now, if only we could get some auto-applied Rename Files from Properties feature as part of the Auto Import tool all would be golden.  Alas, I think we will eventually, but probably not till next version.   ;)
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Re: New, so go easy...
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2007, 04:17:13 pm »

For Old Time Radio If You Use The Season ID's You Should Use A Leading "S"

I Have found that the BBC Likes To USe The "S" Season And "E" Tags



However this Would Not Work For CBSRMT Where In The First Few Years There was 300+ Episodes

So Maybe


Some Radio Shows Ran Into the Thousands So it Is Best to Use 4 Digits And Up to Three Leading Zeros. There Was 1399 Shows For CBSRMT (CBS Radio Mystery Theater).
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Re: New, so go easy...
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2007, 05:23:12 pm »

Wow, wasn't expecting this many replies in this short of time. Usually, you post something up on a Support Forum and you can come back a month later and feel lucky if you've gotten one reply. Kudos on that.

Anyway, first off, I'm not sure I really made myself clear. What I'm looking to do is with the "Right Click --> Library Tools --> Rename Files From Properties", does this Expression Language work with this feature?

I did tried it out on a couple files, just to see if I could find out for myself, but didn't have much luck. I tried:

Code: [Select]
[Artist] - [Name]if(isempty([Album],0),,/ {[Album]})
Thinking that this would give me a result of "Artist - Name {Album}" if there was an album listed, and the same without the " {Album}" if there wasn't one present. Didn't really give the result I was hoping for, as those without albums just turned out as "Artist - Name {Unknown Album}" :\ I also tried:

Code: [Select]
if(isempty([Album],0),[Artist] - [Name],[Artist] - [Name] {[Album]})
Thinking the same thing, but it gave similar results. Does this language just not work with this function, thus why it won't produce results that I'm looking for? Or maybe it's because I'm doing something wrong, or possibly because when the field is empty, it just simply reports as "Unknown ___" thus never really being empty? Any further help would be greatly appreciated. I've been looking for a decent player for Videos, among other things and if I can get this Renaming bit figured out to a tee, then Media Center may just be my new player for Videos, and possibly even everything else! :)


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Re: New, so go easy...
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2007, 02:59:43 am »

*Taps the thread, and it magically hops to the top of all the other threads*... Uh... who did that? *Shifty Eyes*


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Re: New, so go easy...
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2007, 04:27:53 am »

give me a result of :

if there was no album listed
  "Artist - Name"
 "Artist - Name {Album}"

Code: [Select]
if(isempty([Album],0),[Artist] - [Name],[Artist] - [Name] {[Album]})
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