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Author Topic: files, MC12, and Vista  (Read 957 times)

  • Guest files, MC12, and Vista
« on: May 22, 2007, 01:49:15 pm »

I just purchased a new computer (AMD Turion 64 X2) running windows vista. (HP pavilion)

MC12 was working fine on previous computer with .aa files.

on new computer:
installed mc12.   pointed it to my music collection....then installed the latest update (12.0.233)
works fine with all music.


ran into a problem playing audible files (.aa) 

was getting: "audible error -42"  "Please make sure that the path in your media library points to the right location"

(it does)

realized i had not authorized this computer for  had audible reset my account.  (since MC did NOT present the authorization dialog) installed audible download manager.  imported the files into windows media player (since MC was NOT presenting me with the authorization dialog (username and password))  went to windows media player, attempted to play a .aa file.  it then presented me the authorization dialog.  typed in my username and password.  it accepted it.  then successfully played several .aa files in windows media player.

then went back to MC12, and tried to play a .aa file.  no joy. same error.

then removed and reimported all the .aa files (thinking the library was pointing to the wrong place??).  no joy

restarted etc...

1) why is MC12 not presenting the authorization dialog for audible?  seems like it had done this on previous computers

2) Why are my .aa files still not playing in MC12 when the computer is clearly authorized.

3) what is "audible error -42"   i assumed this was the authorization error? 

4) is there a missing component, or some other reason why MC is not talking with audible etc....i'm at a loss

any ideas out there?

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