I am in the same boat. After using MC for years listening to all my ape ripped cds, I bought the ROKU clock radio and it is great for listening to internet radio. So, I thought it would be great to manage the stations in MC.
Unfortunately the web audio does not work very well. It does allow you to search for stations, which is nice. But many of the stations I added to my favorites would not play, they give a warning about multiple tries. But, if I go to the stations website and choose the listen option, it plays in MC fine. Then if I take that station and add it to a playlist and click on it in the playlist it works fine. So the only place it does not work is out of the web audio.
I noticed the same thing in the playlist, with the streaming information only showing up. I changed the artist info to be the station name. That seems to work. I am not sure if there will be some bad ramifications of that or not. I will try some more and see what happens.
I would like to hear how others are dealing with this.