I prefer to select a "song" and have it load the whole visible list into Playing Now. See the earlier posts in this thread for more info on this, but in general, I like this behavior because 1) it matches the behavior in Standard View, and 2) it matches the behavior on all CD players.
It don't mach the behavior in standard view when you for example have set the default action for double-click to add track to the end of playing now. MC is not simply a CD player. And thank god for that.
What I'm talking about is one key that automaticly plays or add files (as you want it to do!). Without the irritating menus. If you want any other action than that, then hit the enter key and select from a menu. If you hit the space key on top of a group then play the whole group instead. I belive that this was the function for the space key before. If not it really should be added.
I really do belive that, a space key action (you have chosen in options, like add singel track and play next) who plays all if, one group is selected (like album, playlist or what ever) or a single track if only one track is selected, would be solving 90% of peoples wishes.
This would prevent a hell of alot of menus.
Neither do I, but there is no consensus on what the default behavior should be, so the menus were created as a compramise in order to offer different behaviors depending on your needs.
I know there are not much consensus on this. What more reason do we need to get a way of choosing the default behavior our self? And again, I'm not takling about removing the enter key functions. That one proves usefull many times on special ocations. I'm talking about the holy space.