OK you can try this at your own risk. I made a new script which takes the date from the filename,
and inserts it into the Date field.
It is run against all files in the Playing Now Playlist.
The script is available from here, with a stand alone tool to run the script (so no plugin is required for MC)
http://uppit.com/d/9FXTIExtract the script files into an empty directory.
As a precaution, start small.
From within Media Center add one video file to Playing now then build up.
Open a command prompt change to the directory you extracted the script files too.
scriptrunner datefromfilename.cs css_config.dat
If successful it will output the datetime, followed by the unix style datetime
for each file
1999/12/30 22:30:00:36524.9375
The files that I tried it on had names like the following
19991230-223000 - 03 - Double Cross.ape
If yours differ from this alot then the tool will probably cause an exception and die.
(It's highly unlikely any damage will be done however so testing one or two files should be fine).
Unfortunatley I'm out for 2 days so may not be around to respond.
If you want to see how the script works open the dateFromFileName.cs file in any
text editor. It's written in C#.