Since it appears this is something very few people want, and it won't be incorporated in the actual build, I have a Plugin in development that will actually perform Math on fields. It's called Computed Fields, and simply put, you define a formula for the field you want to have calculated. For example:
[Popularity]=[Number Plays]-([Skip Count]/4)
This will work with as many equations as you like, allows you to run an initial computation on all the files in a given Scheme or Playlist, then automatically computes the field when the file loses focus (i.e. on stop, next, or previous).
The interface is extremely simple at this time. A textbox that allows you to type in the formulas you wish to use, a drop down box allowing you to select the scheme/list you wish to batch it against, and a button telling it to Compute All. There's some basic error checking (whether or not a formula is formatted properly, missing '[', etc), and the current version color codes the formula ([Fields], Operators, Constants) It's very fast, doing 1 Formula on 6,029 songs in less than 5 seconds.
If anyone is interested in this, or has ideas/recommendations, feel free to contact me individually.