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Author Topic: Media Center 12.0.251  (Read 7914 times)


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Media Center 12.0.251
« on: June 05, 2007, 09:29:01 am »

This is the latest version of MC 12.0.  Any MC12.0 license will work with it.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC12.0 is here:

12.0.251 (06/04/07)

1. Fixed: Album analyzer could mark incomplete albums as complete.
2. Fixed: Playlist import of image files would not work properly.
3. Fixed: When importing an MPL where tags didn't need to be analyzed, in some cases tags would still be read.
4. Changed: Devices named "Removable Disk" (normally a memory reader) will not use WMDM by default.
5. Optimized: WMDM transfers are more efficient when transferring sequential files to the same folder / album. (for example, makes Zen V transfers of full albums over 50% faster)
6. Fixed: Audible playback wouldn't properly show the activation dialog on an unactivated machine.
7. Fixed: Image keyboard shortcuts wouldn't work properly when audio was playing at the same time.
8. Changed: "Play All" won't appear in the Theater View menu in Playing Now or when making a selection.
9. Fixed: Podcasts on a handheld could show up in the main Podcasts view.
10. Fixed: Theater View page up and page down wouldn't always work properly.
11. Changed: MC's My Computer > Right-click > Import Into Library... now shows progress instead of being silent.
12. Fixed: Track Info visualizations would steal the keyboard focus on playback start, and track changes.
13. Changed: Removed Theater View "Keep focus" setting and instead automatically keep focus while Media Center is the focused application, but stop grabbing focus on application switch.
14. Fixed: Smartlist Editor bugs for rules involving File Size, Sample Rate and Peak Level fields.

12.0.250 (6/01/07)

1. Fixed: Fixed a small visual glitch in Theater View.

12.0.249 (6/01/07)

1. NEW: In Theater View, the numbers will act like a phone keyboard and seek to items starting with the corresponding letter. (pressing the same button will roll through letters)
2. NEW: In Theater View, the number '1' will seek to the top of a list and '0' will seek to the end. (since no letter correspond to these keys)
3. Changed: JRWorker.exe more forcibly closes itself to better handle device drivers that don't nicely handle shutdown.
4. Changed: Automatic Shuffle mode will shuffle playback of an artist with multiple albums. (but not playback of a single album)
5. Changed: Album analyzer wouldn't recognize a multi-disc album split across multiple folders as complete.
6. Changed: Reworked how the Theater View playback menu works. (menu contains play, last selection, and more -- the last selection used command is always at the top / available with double-enter)
7. Changed: Theater View Lineup lists won't draw file information at the top right of a lineup item unless it fits comfortably. (before it looked crowded at 640x480, etc.)
8. NEW: Theater View skins can customize popup menu sizes. (spacing and item internal padding)
9. NEW: MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_OSD_VIDEO_PROC_AMP and MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_CUR_VIDEO_PROC_AMP commands (previously called MCC_TV_OSD_VIDEO_PROC_AMP and MCC_TV_SET_CUR_VIDEO_PROC_AMP) are now available for DVD and video playback. Keyboard shortcuts are Ctrl+Shift+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrow.
10. Changed: Loading a library is now available with MCC_LOAD_LIBRARY so that it can be fired from a remote, keyboard shortcut, etc.
11. NEW: Media Center launcher can be used to switch monitor layout, configuration, etc. which is useful for theater configurations. (run MC12.exe /MonitorSwitch for instructions)
12. NEW: Keyboard shortcuts can use the Windows (Win) key.
13. NEW: MCE remote control "Record" button now supported in MC.
14. Changed: MC does not automatically switch to details view when a download starts (from for example).
15. NEW: TV supports internal volume for devices that allow it.
16. Optimized: Several optimizations to Lineup Theater View lists.
17. NEW: Theater View file lists have an independent list style setting from grouping (genre, artist, etc.) views instead of being automatically selected.

12.0.248 (5/30/07)

1. Changed: Revised the experimental connect to mapped shares code to work better with some shares. (Ctrl+Shift+T for now)
2. Fixed: The "Years" view in Theater View > Images didn't work properly.
3. Changed: Album analyzer does more sophisticated analysis of multi-disc albums to support more naming / numbering models and to also better catch duplicate track numbers, etc.
4. Changed: Album analyzer treats all discs of a multi-disc set as one album for the album replay gain value. (assuming they live in the same folder on the hard drive)
5. Changed: The value of the command MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_ASPECT_RATIO is changed to 28022.
6. Changed: MCC_TV_OSD_CYCLE_VIDEO_PROC_AMP is renamed MCC_TV_OSD_VIDEO_PROC_AMP (value is not changed, 28020) and it now takes a parameter (index 0. 1, 2, etc, -1 cycles).
7. Changed: MCC_TV_INCR_CUR_VIDEO_PROC_AMP (28021) and
MCC_TV_DECR_CUR_VIDEO_PROC_AMP (28022) are combined into one command MCC_TV_SET_CUR_VIDEO_PROC_AMP (28021) that takes a parameter (int nStep).

12.0.247 (5/30/07)

1. Fixed: JRWorker didn't work with build 246. (intentional crash testing code got compiled in)
2. Changed: Added experimental Ctrl+Shift+T shortcut to connect any unconnected mapped network drives. (experiment -- may not work / may not remain)

12.0.246 (5/30/07)

1. Changed: Renamed Theater View command "Open" to "Show" to look inside of a grouping.
2. Fixed: Building thumbnails during Auto-Import could cause a crash.
3. Fixed: In Theater View Playing Now with Lineup lists, the title of the playing song would get cut off.
4. Fixed: Deadlock during importing of some video files with certain decoder filters.
5. Changed: Theater View's Lineup view shows the folder, etc. icon for view schemes or other items with no art.
6. Changed: Improved how DVD and TV detect monitor changes so that they can nicely handle restarting the player in these cases.
7. Changed: An album of one file with a track number of "1" will no be consider complete if it's the only audio file in its directory.
8. Changed: Album analyzer nicely supports multidisc track numbering where disc two's track numbers start where disc one leaves off.
9. Fixed: Unsafe code for aspect ratio command.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2007, 09:30:32 am »

12.0.245 (5/29/07)

1. Fixed: Download progress action window resized incorrectly after displaying time remaining.
2. Changed: Theater View Lineup view right-aligns icons so that long titles get more room when necessary.
3. Fixed: Package Installer was being called on every MC12 execution under Vista with UAC enabled.
4. Changed: Theater View files menu contains a "Play All" item to play all visible items, starting with the selected item.
5. NEW: Added "Automatic" shuffle mode -- shuffles playback when playback is started without specifying a file. (like playing a genre grouping, etc.)
6. Changed: Non-silent license acquisition is not attempted for protected content using WMDRM greater than v1.
7. Fixed: Some characters could show incorrectly in Theater View News stories.
8. Optimized: Many optimizations to the handheld enumerator to better deal with empty drive bays, etc.
9. Optimized: Reworked how Media Center detects device arrival and removal to not load WMDM or require a background thread.
10. Changed: Since WMDM is no longer used by the Media Center process (save for specific device plugins), devices that can't handle access from two programs at the same time will work better.

12.0.244 (5/25/07)

1. Fixed: Shuffled playback from Theater View would always start with the first song, and then play shuffled. (now starts with random song)
2. Changed: Improved Lineup animation when staying on a selection.
3. Optimized: Several optimizations to reduce what MC is doing in the background during Theater View / Big Screen playback.
4. Changed: Menus with a submenu go into the submenu when pressing enter.
5. Changed: In Theater View, selecting a menu item shows the selected action with text.
6. Changed: Lineup Theater View lists draws nicer looking selection checkboxes.
7. Fixed: When going back a level in Theater View, the scroll position was not preserved.

12.0.243 (5/25/07)

1. Fixed: On systems that took a while to enumerate handheld devices, devices could come and go.
2. Fixed: If a device arrived or was removed while devices were enumerating, the player would wait for the first enumeration to finish -- causing a temporary freeze.
3. Fixed: If the player was enumerating devices during shutdown, it could slow the shutdown by up to five seconds.
4. Changed: Theater View thumbnail lists use up to three lines of text if the name won't fit on one line.
5. Changed: Theater View selects whether to draw thumbnail captions automatically. (not used for image file lists, used otherwise)
6. Changed: Tuned Theater View animations to be snappier in most areas.
7. NEW: Theater View has a status bar in File views that shows the full name of the selected item. (also shows file stats after a few seconds as a slideshow)
8. Fixed: Lineup view in Theater View wasn't working with the mouse nicely.
9. Changed: Theater View Lineup view better adapts with Theater View size settings.
10. Changed: Theater View Lienup view keeps an exact number of items visible on the screen so there's no wasted space on the bottom.
11. Fixed: It was possible for the selection in Theater View's Lineup list to be off the screen in some cases.
12. Optimized: Improved the performance of Lineup view in Theater View.
13. Changed: Theater View Lineup view uses exactly 2x the height for a selected item so there's much less screen movement when changing selection.
14. NEW: Added experimental mp3 DLNA support to the UPnP server.
15. NEW: MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_ASPECT_RATIO MCCommand now works for TV playback.
16. Changed: Minor GUI change in TV configuration related to Aspect Ratio selection.
17. Fixed: Aspect Ratio selection did not take effect in some cases for MPEG-2 based TV devices (WinTV PVR USB for example).

12.0.242 (5/24/07)

1. Fixed: Left/right navigation in Theater View drill in on right instead of showing the menu.
2. Fixed: Image playback keyboard shortcuts were not always working properly.
3. Changed: Tweaked the remote control "automatic" anti-repeat setting to allow faster manual subsequent key presses.
4. Changed: In Theater View, arrow navigation is enabled by default.
5. Changed: In Theater View, the list style is selected automatically when looking at a list of files. (always happened with audio, now happens with images and video as well)
6. NEW: Added new "Lineup" list style to Theater View. (combines graphical thumbs with a list and works nicely with left / right navigation)
7. Changed: Made Lineup the default list style in Theater View.
8. Fixed: Fixed a few minor issues with the thumbnail engine changes in build 241.
9. Changed: Theater View thumbnails have a drop shadow like standard view. (better matches new drop shadowed text)
10. NEW: Added MCC_PLAYBACK_ENGINE_SET_ASPECT_RATIO MCCommand with keyboard shortcut 'A' to change aspect ratio in video and DVD playback. It will be added to TV next.
11. Changed: Columns for Web Favorites will match the standard columns for the media type (Audio, Image & Video).
12. Fixed: Podcasts are disabled for a read-only library (such as Library Server clients or network clients)
13. Changed: Tweaked the Theater View command menu.

12.0.241 (5/23/07)

1. Changed: Completed migration of TV commands to MCC. Now recording MCC command (along with some others) is available.
2. Changed: Consecutive issuing of MCC_TV_RECORD within 3 seconds is ignored.(When it is issued a second time more than 3 seconds later, it stops recording).
3. NEW: If thumbnailing got ungracefully cancelled, in rare cases it could leave the thumbnail database in a bad state.
4. Optimized: When thumbnails are being built, leaving or updating a view will no longer wait for currently building thumbnails to finish.
5. Changed: The thumbnailing system uses a program-wide quota for how many thumbs / threads to create at a time instead of a list-specific quota.
6. Changed: Two lists will never try to thumbnail the same file at the same time.
7. Changed: At install time the default for "Run Installed Program Now" is unchecked under Vista.
8. NEW: Pix01 gallery descriptions are saved in the playlist notes.  (So if you drag and drop a revised pix01 playlist the notes will be restored.)
9. Changed: Doubled the number of thumbnail quota units consumed by videos so that less video thumbnails will get generated at the same time.
10. Changed: In Theater View, the command menu will be shown when doing [Enter] on an item to allow better playlist building options.  Double-click to enter. (does not change the mouse since a mouse has a right-click)
11. Fixed: Keyboard navigation inside menus is more logical when a child menu appears to the left of the parent menu.
12. Changed: Removed Theater View "Play All" button since revised command menu makes it unnecessary.
13. NEW: The Theater View item menu contains all the play modes available in the "Send To" menu in Standard View.
14. NEW: The Theater View item menu remembers the last play command used and places it at the top of the menu.
15. NEW: Added a clear button to Theater View's Playing Now.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2007, 11:22:57 am »

Posted in the wrong place...
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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2007, 02:44:43 pm »

In the "Lineup" List Style, when you move from item to item, the newly selected item overshoots it's final location vertically by about 5% of it's size then falls/rises back into place.  Was this intended?  If so, I really don't like it.  It makes Theater View feel a bit epileptic and makes it harder to read the newly selected item as it's jumping all over the place.

I would think that if the currently selected item shrank at the same rate the newly selected item grew, that would generate a smooth transition from item to item, think OSX's Dock.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2007, 07:37:10 pm »

Bug: Image playback keyboard shortcuts are still broken in Detached mode.

They seem to work fine in Display mode & when the Display is "attached"


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2007, 05:08:02 am »

BUG: Coverart does not seem to get stored in the specified location since version 251. At least not fro mp4 video files. Have not tried mp3 yet.



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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2007, 08:15:11 am »

Does MC have PVR type capabilities?  I have a TV tuner laying around and may add it to the HTPC I'm building if it does.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2007, 11:37:32 am »

A couple of minor bugs in build 251:
1.  Under the images heading, the Web Media tooltips for pix01 and Google images still say "find and save Internet media stations".  The main subtopic Web Media also says this (is it supposed to?)

2.  I've noticed the 'all' option in a tree of subfolders is not working properly.  If my tag window is open and I am editing my images, I can click through subfolders under a year folder, for example.  The tags might all be for 1 or 2 events.  When I select the 'all' folder, other tags appear in my events checklist (down in the tag window) that are not checked for any picture in the actual subfolders.  It appears to be moving up one level and reading all tags from the folder level above.  I'm assuming this is an error, mainly because the all folder lists in parentheses the number of subfolders present, so I am assuming that 'all' means all subfolder images for that particular folder, lumped into one view so that you can see all files without changing subfolders.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2007, 02:58:26 pm »

2.  I've noticed the 'all' option in a tree of subfolders is not working properly.  If my tag window is open and I am editing my images, I can click through subfolders under a year folder, for example.  The tags might all be for 1 or 2 events.  When I select the 'all' folder, other tags appear in my events checklist (down in the tag window) that are not checked for any picture in the actual subfolders.  It appears to be moving up one level and reading all tags from the folder level above.  I'm assuming this is an error, mainly because the all folder lists in parentheses the number of subfolders present, so I am assuming that 'all' means all subfolder images for that particular folder, lumped into one view so that you can see all files without changing subfolders.

You assume incorrectly.  "All" shows all the files that match the tags filtered to that specific point in the hierarchy.  Keep in mind, that the tree is used for not just viewing files on the disk hierarchy but for browsing file tags.


If I'm viewing a View Scheme of Audio files with these panes added: Genre/Artist/Album.  I can expand one specific Genre (Indie Rock in the example below).  Then, say I want to choose from the list of all the Albums without first filtering by Artist, I can expand All and it will show the Album titles for ALL of the Indie Rock Artists rather than just the albums underneath one specific artist.

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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2007, 03:26:11 am »

I have trouble sending the message MCC_SET_MODE with parameter 3 (=Theater View). This is crashing MC12 imediately. Using 2 (=Full Screen) or 4 (=Windowed) ist working fine.


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2007, 09:30:40 am »

I really like the updated remote control abilities. I can now use just 5 buttons to control Theater View. I do have a problem that may be a bug. I added a blog that my wife likes to read to Theater View as a custom item. When I click on the the link, the page opens in the right pane with Home and Back Buttons in the left column.

Currently there is no way to access the right pane without using a mouse to click on it and scroll it. Using the keyboard or remote control arrow keys only return to the home page. Using the right key/button should give control of the webpage and then up/down should allow you to scroll.

On a related note, the text of the blog is too small to read in Theater View. It would be nice if you could zoom the webpage or if it would follow the default Theater View size (125%, etc).


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2007, 10:12:46 am »

It would be nice if the thumbnails were a bit more consistent in Playing now using the new Lineup view.  Sometimes they're all the same size and line up nicely, but other times they look like this:


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2007, 06:42:24 am »

don't know if this is the right place to announce waht I have to say. I just purchases Media Juke Box 8.0. During this process I received the offer to download and test Media Center. After installation I am no longer able to start Media Juke Box. This is not what I expected! Because my intention was to TEST Media Center and after that I wanted to decide if a want to upgrade. But now I feel forced to upgrade. Although I don't know if I really want and need Media Center. It seems to me that MC is great. But what I miss is, that MC does not display comments within MP3 files. Isn't it like that? And moreover I have problems ripping my CDs. Although I have activated the on-the-fly encoding function MC generates only wma-files.
I am very interested to receive your kind reply.
Best regards
Joachim Müller-Klink


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2007, 11:00:22 am »

BUG: I noticed that if you selcet the "CD/DVD" item in thater view frontpage and have no CD/DVD loaded, you get a message that you should load a medium and try again or exit. However, if you try to "Exit", it doesnt let you do so and you are in a endless cylce not being able to exit that menu again. Only solution is to "Kill" MC altogether.

Would be great to see this fixed  ;D


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2007, 11:05:25 am »

feature request for remote server:
can you pls add the value "Artist" in "Playing Now" list and the "info" link?



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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2007, 10:56:43 am »

MC12.0.251 in Windows XP PRO x64 keeps crashing when attempting to open Theater View. The crash error refers to offending file as "Media Center 12.exe". I reported a similar problem in an earlier build with no response. I have also read a few posts by others with similar problem in earliers builds as well. This is not a problem in 32bit XP Pro. I sure would like TheaterView back. :'(

Media Center Registered 12.0.251 -- C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 12\

 Workstation 5.2 Service Pack 2 (Build 3790)
AMD Unknown 1943 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2096 MB, Free - 1446 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.5730.11 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.3790 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.3790 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.3790 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive W: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-110   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: Yes  Soundfile:   C:\WINDOWS\Media\ripping-complete.wav

Burning /  Drive W: PIONEER  DVD-RW  DVR-110    Addr: 0:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Interface Plugins:
  Library Server (Active)
  TiVo Server (Active)
  UPnP Server (Active)
  MusicLobby Server
  Write Playing
Ubuntu Gnome 20.04 LTS


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2007, 01:41:07 pm »

don't know if this is the right place to announce waht I have to say. I just purchases Media Juke Box 8.0. During this process I received the offer to download and test Media Center. After installation I am no longer able to start Media Juke Box. This is not what I expected! Because my intention was to TEST Media Center and after that I wanted to decide if a want to upgrade. But now I feel forced to upgrade. Although I don't know if I really want and need Media Center. It seems to me that MC is great. But what I miss is, that MC does not display comments within MP3 files. Isn't it like that? And moreover I have problems ripping my CDs. Although I have activated the on-the-fly encoding function MC generates only wma-files.
I am very interested to receive your kind reply.
Best regards
Joachim Müller-Klink

You can do this, and so much more. To show the comment tags you need to go to View -> View Settings -> Customize Current View (when you are in palying now, library or a playlist). There you can add the Comment field.
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Handheld cache filenames
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2007, 03:54:21 pm »

With this build the handheld cache seems to be truncating the converted filenames at the first '.'

So for instance the file "03 - The Nazz Are Blue (feat. Jeff 'Skunk' Baxter).flac" is getting converted to "03 - The Nazz Are Blue (feat.mp3" in the cache for my iPod.

I've just asked it to build the cache and as a consequence it's rebuilding a lot of files which haven't actually changed.

I'm not sure whether it's the FLAC encoder or the handheld cache itself that's at fault here.

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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2007, 05:22:46 pm »

don't know if this is the right place to announce waht I have to say.

This thread is for bug reports. Perhaps an administrator could move your question and MrHaugen's and my answers to a new thread so that we can discuss more and try to find solutions to your issues.

... But what I miss is, that MC does not display comments within MP3 files. Isn't it like that?

As MrHaugen said, you can customize MC's view schemes in many ways. MC should be easily able to display a standard MP3 comment field. I have some view schemes that display over 50 columns including several custom fields that I have created.

And moreover I have problems ripping my CDs. Although I have activated the on-the-fly encoding function MC generates only wma-files.

I assume you want to rip in MP3 format. You can change the used encoder for example here:
Tools > Options > Encoding for: CD Ripping (select this option), Encoder: ... (click this to open a drop-down menu). In the Encoder settings you can select your preferred VBR quality or CBR bitrate option.

If you have not used MP3 encoding before MC downloads the needed MP3 encoders automatically when you access the MP3 options so you need to have a working internet connection.

If that does not work because of a firewall or other connection problems here is a workaround:
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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2007, 05:33:56 pm »

Don't suppose there's going to be a publicly available update today? :-)

.251 is crashing for me consistently on importing.

I've got it sort to import automatically, and when I download Napster content, Media Center crashes with a Visual C++ runtime error. It's fine when I restart it - it then imports the tracks fine - but I don't know if that's just because Napster has finished downloading by then. I was kind of guessing that MC was trying to import the files while Napster's downloading them. That used to work fine though...


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2007, 07:15:56 pm »

.251 is crashing for me consistently on importing.

I've got it sort to import automatically, and when I download Napster content, Media Center crashes with a Visual C++ runtime error. It's fine when I restart it - it then imports the tracks fine - but I don't know if that's just because Napster has finished downloading by then. I was kind of guessing that MC was trying to import the files while Napster's downloading them. That used to work fine though...
It could also be a bad DirectShow filter.  Try to narrow down which files are causing the problem.

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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2007, 02:22:05 am »

It's always only when I'm downloading Napster content, so would be WMA DRM files.


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album analyzer??
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2007, 08:24:51 am »

12.0.251 (06/04/07)

1. Fixed: Album analyzer could mark incomplete albums as complete.

I'm sure this is a really basic/stupid question, but what exactly is "Album analyzer?"  I've searched the board, the FAQ, the Wiki and can find no real information about it, just all the changes to it in the version change log.  Is this something the user initiates, or does it run in the background?  If it is user controlled, how do I initiate it, configure it, etc.?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2007, 08:50:17 am »

I'm sure this is a really basic/stupid question, but what exactly is "Album analyzer?"  I've searched the board, the FAQ, the Wiki and can find no real information about it, just all the changes to it in the version change log.  Is this something the user initiates, or does it run in the background?  If it is user controlled, how do I initiate it, configure it, etc.?

It means just the internal program code and rule set that is used for determining which library files are included in an album and which albums are complete.

It is not a separate tool that could have configuration options.
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Smartlist editor buggy
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2007, 03:55:45 pm »

Each time I want to edit previously created smartlists I receive wrong results afterwards. Do you have a list with current smartlist rules?

I noticed that for field ranges, e.g. 1-10, "is" is not valid anymore, instead I need to use "is in the range of".

The MIX modifier seems not to work! Right or has the syntax changed?


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Re: Media Center 12.0.251
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2007, 12:59:39 pm »

Long time no new release... Can we expect something tonight  ::)
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