Thanks Matt, Osho, and MrHaugen!
Use left / right for in and out.
Menus are only shown in Thumbnail lists, where left and right are needed to navigate.
In my MC version, Right drills down on all lists except when list items are files in which case Right pops up a menu. Left takes me to the item to the left, or to the left menu if already at the left edge of so called right pane. Popup menus are shown whenever I use Enter, whatever view.
Both "Play" and "Play All" are in the menu. The one you used last will be at the top, so is available with a double-click on the remote.
Not in the MC version that I have. On lists containing group items (albums, playlists etc) there is only “Play” on the popup menu, which plays all contained files – it is the second choice on that menu, always. On lists containing files, there is only “Play all” on the popup menu, which plays all files in list – it is the first choice on this menu, always.
Done in a coming build.
Many thanks on my own and the other customer’s behalf. Could we get Backspace working as “Cancel” in popup menus too, please? It would feel right, that when you want to backup a step, whatever that step may be, you use Backspace (or whatever shortcut you assigned to it).
I think we would really appreciate if we can get a menu option for thumbnail list which would make Enter drill down one level and use a special Menu key (and some keyboard short cut for keyboard users) to bring the menu up.
I like the tumbnails, and would like to drill down them without the menus popping up. An option to go down as default for enter key are wanted. As Osho says, this would also require another key or shortcut for the menu.
Yes, please, very much.
And while you're at it. There also have to be a way to choose behavior for space key.
Choise number 1: Play all (Default. As it is today).
Choise number 2: Play SELECTED item only (track, artist, playlist etc).
Good idea! Then if we could get an option to play selected file on Enter without popping up a menu, you could use the first option above to play the whole list. No menu required in either case - very good!
In summary, an option (or options) to get the following behavior would be greatly appreciated:
1. Enter drills down when on a group item, it plays a file when on a file, all this without popping up a menu.
2. Play plays the selected item. If selected item is a group then it plays all files in this group. If selected item is a file then it plays that file.
3. A special shortcut pops up a relevant for current situation/state menu.
4. Backspace takes you always to the previous level/state.
In addition, I wonder if we could separate “Play” action from “Pause” action. Then “Play” would always play selected item (adding it to play queue). “Pause” would toggle play/pause state.
Also, some of option settings, like these above, and also some others such as “shuffle/reshuffle”, perhaps view/display/dsp/play settings too, etc. could be gathered into a “Settings” screen(s) available by a button from “Home” screen. In this way the need for the menu on the left would be reduced even farther.
Another question: Is it possible to remap MCE remote buttons in a corresponding way to what can be done with keyboard keys in xml file? I understand that those buttons that send keyboard equivalents should be possible to remap already. But what about the buttons that send non-keyboard events, such as WM_APPCOMMAND and WM_INPUT, which are the majority of non-T9 buttons on MCE remote.