EDIT: It appears that MC Theater View webpages do not like using a port other than default (80). If i link a webpage with any other port ie
http://localhost:4434 then it gives me the problems.
Sorry for the long post.
I currently use Theaterview almost exclusively. I am also a big girder user/fan. I do alot of 'av equipment' changing via girder.
I first started by adding extra buttons into Theater view but I can only add to the main menu, and I hate the way Theaterview briefly minimizes when running the girder event.exe.
I then thought about the fact that I can control my 'av equipment' via the internet using Girder's built in web server and 'bingo' , I can do the same via Theater View add a webpage link.
Sooo I had my first go at html coding. I designed a webpage with the same background and buttons as the noire skin. It is almost seamless. It looks good and I can create lots of extra buttons to do stuff.
If i load the page into IE or Firefox directly it works perfectly BUT if i load it into Theater View the buttons don't always work. I'ts a bit of a hit and miss thing. I can't seem to work out any 'sequence' to it, except that it never works on first click, and rarely on second. The clicks that don't work do not appear in the girder log, they get 'lost' somewhere.
I know nothing about coding and I am more of a cut/paste person. I basically took the origional girder webpage and deleted what I did not need. Could someone take a glance and see if I am doing anything wrong?
It all basically runs on the following 3 files:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<script src="girder.js" type="text/javascript">
</script> <script>
function SetImage(id, src)
var Image = document.getElementById(id);
Image.src = src;
return false;
function SendEventByID( EventID, DeviceID )
var Event = document.getElementById(EventID);
var Device = document.getElementById(DeviceID); SendEvent(Event.value, Device.value);
return false;
style="background-image: url(img/Background.png); width: 704px;"><br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><a href=""
onclick='return SendEvent("jrmc.detach", "18");'
onmousedown='return SetImage("Button1", "img/button1dn.png");'
onmouseup='return SetImage("Button1", "img/button1up.png");'
onmouseout='return SetImage("Button1", "img/button1up.png");'
onmouseover='return SetImage("Button1", "img/button1dn.png");'><img
src="img/button1up.png" id="Button1" border="0"></a></div></body></html>
More on next posts.