MSC mode of the USB stands for Media Storage Class mode; make the attached device appear as a hard drive to the computer, so it will allow transferring of any type of files to the attached device.
MTP mode stands for Media Transport Protocol, and beside of allow DRM (digital rights management) files to be transferred to the attached device; will filter the type of files it will transfer and how it will be managed by it.
I’ve tested my Meizu Music Card under MTP with WMP11 and the follow actions are done:
1. Create a folder for each artist and a subfolder for each album in a tree, with the data obtained from id3 tag.
2. Will manage appropriately track# from id3 tag, to show tracks in proper order.
3. Using ID3v2. Create automatically a folder called "Albums" where are transferred .jpg files containing cover art of the music obtained from id3 tag, in the format aaaaaaAAAAAA.alb, where aaaaaa=album AAAAAA=Artist. Then it is created a .jpg file, with format aaaaaaAAAAAA.jpg. Size of this files is 200x200.
Unfortunately with MC 12.0.267, I do have to use MSC mode because MTP fails randomly, blocking the attached device and MC itself.
After this, the device have to be unplugged and MC reloaded.
Using MSC I can transfer as many files my attached device allows without any error.
MC manage appropriately the structure Artist\Album in any mode.
Also create a .alb record for each album located in the subfolder Album within Artist. In MSC this record is invalid (size=0), in MTP mode not be able to check what MC do.
This .alb record is in the form aaaaaa.alb, so when moved to Albums folder, two albums with the same name will create a confusion. I suppose that due to this WMP11 create it with the format aaaaaaAAAAAA.alb